Chapter 4 - Friends Again?

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          Drift, the other trainee had been given a break from training for that day. Since it was Daffodil's and Ferret's first day, the mentors wanted to focus specifically on them. Though Ferret's paw still ached, the blood had clotted over and was not such a nuisance anymore. But the same could not be said for Daffodil, though the bleeding had slowed down, it would not cease. Determined, the cream molly didn't let it get in the way.

         The mentors had shown them Forestclan territory, the scent markers, and some basic rules in training. Such as keeping claws sheathed, respecting mentors,  and so on. This had last from dusk till moon rise. Once the lunar body had began to emerge, Minnowbloom had given them the dismissal sign to return back to camp.

         Now Ferret wait. She desperately wanted to make things right with Daffodil. it was so lonely without her and it she just felt out of place. The ginger molly didn't feel like eating so she resided in her den. Luckily, Drift had been taken night-hunting so Daffodil and Ferret would have the den to themselves for most of the night. After talking to Cherrybee, Daffodil had entered the den with a vole and lay in her nest still ignoring Ferret.

         "So, ummm, Daffodil?" Ferret started nervously.

         The cream molly rolled her eyes, "What do you want?"

         "I'm sorry."

         "And I'm a mouse-brain," she retorted.

         The ginger she-cat sighed, "I really am. I was such a bird-brain accusing all of these cats who just wanted to help. And I was a bigger bird-brain insulting my best friend like that. I'm staying for you. You're my friend..." Tears pricked her eyes but she blinked rapidly to shoo them away. 

        Daffodil turned to face Ferret, her eyes glazed with tears. She rushed forward and buried her muzzle into Ferret's fur, "I'm sorry too. I did forgive you. I really did! But everyone sees me as such a weak-hearted, too optimistic, overly sensitive, and helpless kitten. I wanted to show everyone that I could be tough too, that I could stand up for myself. But in the process, I pushed away my friend. My best friend."

          Ferret smiled warmly and nuzzled Daffodil, "Don't worry what anyone else says! You are strong! And being optimistic and sensitive take strength! They're good traits, nothing to be ashamed about. Something only few are blessed with."

         "Thanks," she softly meowed backing away, "Ugh! My paw's still bleeding. I really don't want to face the Trial of Three but it won't stop. And I'm scared..."

         "What even is the Trial of Three?" 

         Daffodil hesitated, "It's when you have to survive three days and three nights outside of colony territory, alone."

         "Oh, that doesn't seem too bad. I survived an entire moon before I joined the colony."

         "You also have to catch three pieces of prey for the clan. And as a new trainee, you would have no idea how to."

         "Never mind then."

         The cream feline tilted her head, "How did  you catch food?"

         "I, ummm, actually. I sometimes stole from other cats... and ummm begged two-legs.... and ummmmm ya?" Ferret shuffled her paws in uneasiness and embarrassment. She then tried to justify her response, "I was like three moons! How could I hunt? I didn't even know how!"

         Daffodil purred, "I didn't say anything." 

         Ferret smiled. It was just like before the argument, "You should probably go to Quietfang though. There may be something wrong."

         "But if I do then..."

         The ginger molly's gaze strayed, "Still."

         The two friends slowly approached Quietfang's den. Inside Quietfang was shuffling through some leaves. 

         The healer yelled, "For the last time, it isn't that bad!" He turned around to face them, "Oh it's just you. What do you want?" Daffodil held up her paw, and the healer gave a skeptical examination, "Have you been pawing at it?"

         "No..." she answered.

         He asked again, "Has it scratched against something?"


         "That's odd..." He furrowed his eyebrows, "It should have clotted by now," He paused for another moment, "Oh no. I feared this would happen!"

         What?! Ferret began panicking, hoping nothing too bad had happened to her best friend. The ginger she-cat's breath rate began increasing and her throat began to hurt. Her vision blurred a little and she felt dizzy but sunk her claws into the ground to keep steady.

         Quietfang glanced towards her, "You okay?" That was the last thing she heard.

Picture above is Drift.

Yay!! Daffodil and Ferret are friends again!!! Their conversation was a bit sappy but necessary.

Anyway, what do you think happened to Daffodil? What is it that Quietfang had feared??

Ferret is prone to panic attacks and she's never learnt how to control them, so.....

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