Chapter 18 - tensions within

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         Some of the colony cheered at Ferretsky's new rank, some frowned at Cherrybee's passing, and a few scowled as the leader of their Resistance had been murdered. Ferretsky however was still in a state of shock and anxiety. She knew the consequences, but the reality was so much more excruciatingly painful than what she had imagined.

         Her eyes glazed with tears, she began to step towards her friend and mumble, "Daffy..."

         The lowerpaw's fur was soaked in tears, her face scrunched in agony, "Don't EVER talk to me again! I trusted you more than anyone! How-how could you!!"

         "I-I'm sorry. I can fix it though!" She lashed her tail pleadingly, "I'm a council member now, I can fix it."

          Daffodilspark's expression turned nasty, "Oh so this what it was for. To become a dung fucked council member!" She turned away to her den, "You can never undo death."

         Ivysting rested her tail on the ginger she-cat's flank, "Tsk. She'll come around. And if she doesn't, you're the one in power. She isn't even happy about your promotion, instead she misses a traitor. She's lucky I haven't exiled her. Yet." Her voiced changed to be more nonchalant, " Anyway, I need you in my den for a bit. We're discussing about Glade Colony."

         The ginger molly followed Ivysting to her den where Aldertwig, Minnowbloom, Ripplespots, Quietfang, and Sunnystep were waiting. The den was a little cramped, but it would only be for a short while so they all adjusted. Aldertwig gave a respectful nod to congratulate Ferretsky, while Minnowbloom and Sunnystep smiled warmly. Ripplespots seemed a little nervous but Quietfang's expression read of nothing.

         The empress twitched her whiskers in amusement, "About Glade Colony. Normally I would be asking you about battle strategies. But today, I am curious whether we should end the war. Ferretsky," she turned her attention to the new council member, "has found a desperate Glade Colony cat attempting to steal herbs. She and Ripplespots drove him away, but this instance clearly states that Glade Colony is not in the position it used to be."

          "I agree," nodded Ripplespots, "I think the war has gone for a long time, and Glade Colony has been beaten. Any other sign of aggression could be seen by their empress as a threat, and she may retaliate."

         Sunnystep slowly flicked his tail, "I'm unsure. Poppyflare has not given an 'official' symbol of defeat. If she were truly to accept she lost, she wouldn't have sent a protector to steal herbs."

         "Ripplespots here seems to have found a soft spot for Glade Colony," purred Aldertwig, "Though I stand with Sunnystep, I doubt Poppyflare has given up yet. But I do think we should not show signs of aggression until they make the next move."

          The blue-gray mentor bristled and started to rise but Minnowbloom shook her head and nuzzled him lovingly. Ripplespots calmed a little, "What do you think Ivysting?"

         "Well, I would love to personally see Poppyflare admit to her foolishness. Beg for Forest Colony to forgive her, and cry that she was wrong. But," she sighed, "That is not a possible reality. And of course, any option is fine for me. For I am just a servant of your decisions." She smiled artificially. 

         The mentor scoffed, "So I was right. This is just a competition. You just want Poppyflare to seem weaker to you, you want to be on some sort of pedestal to her.

         "I'd be careful where those words are coming from if I were you," threatened Ivysting. "This meeting is dismissed. I think I've heard enough."

         Aldertwig gave a satisfied look to Ferretsky, and the ginger tabby returned it back. Minnowbloom followed her mate, scolding him for lashing out. Sunnystep seemed a little more agitated than before, but still, Quietfang looked blank. Not even Ferretsky could make out what the healer may have been thinking. He spoke less and less by the day.

Picture above is Sunnystep.

Ripplespots better be careful, he's one of my favorites and I don't want him dead XD

Daffodilspark now officially hates Ferret while Ivysting is as proud as ever.

Welp, any guesses for the future?

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Aug 09, 2022 ⏰

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