Chapter 7 - Spirit World

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         Ferret gasped, she felt herself getting nauseous just looking at the body. Her mind seemed to be drifting away from her physical form, and tears began pricking at her amber eyes. "No...", she breathed. Ferret's paws shook and soon she couldn't keep them stable. She tried anchoring her claws into the soil, but it was too much. The trainee collapsed to the ground and curled up into a fluffy ball, repeating to herself 'no', as if it were a coping mechanism.

         She felt her spirit leave her body as a tugging sensation took form. Ferret was now just a spectator of her physical being. She stared at her body, still in its clutched form, unable to look away, blink, or say anything. Her gaze then flitted to Softwing. The cream feline's body was scarred with wounds and blood. But now, it wasn't Softwing.

         "No!" Ferret shrieked, trying to force her head to look away.

         It was now her mother, Marigold. It was like a flashback, a traumatizing flashback. The moment where her world shattered into a million pieces. The moment that would haunt her for all her life, and perhaps even in death.

         Her ears buzzed and she desperately tried to flatten them to block out the cruel voices cackling in the distance. The two felines came into view. They were the same cats who killed Marigold. Ferret could never forget them, even if she wished she could. Please! Let me out of this cruel vision!

         Ferret looked up, a faded figure of a long-furred cream she-cat came into view. "Mom?" Ferret choked. 

         The figure just smiled at her warmly and mewed, "I will always be with you my little Ferret. I will always be running by your side." 

         "Don't go!" The trainee screamed. Tears were streaming down her cheek. She pushed against the invisible forces holding her in place and burst forward with all her energy. She sprinted towards the figure and screamed again, "Don't leave me!" She then whimpered, "Please." The figure then just vanished without a trace or sound.

         A voice that sounded like a little kitten began humming, "One crow... La laa la lala." The voice then giggled. Ferret couldn't tell where it was coming from, it felt as if it was everywhere, suffocating her. It sneered and teased, "Are you lost?"

         "Who are you!" Ferret growled.

         The voice ignored her and laughed. Though it sounded like a sweet little kitten, there was something malicious about it. Something that Ferret couldn't quite pin down. The voice then mewed, in what sounded like the tone you would use for a newborn kitten, "Do you want your mommy?"

         "Leave me ALONE!" Ferret screamed hysterically, heavily sobbing and choking.

         A little smoky black crow fluttered down and perched itself in front of Ferret. The voice sang, "One crow. Do you know what that means?" It giggled again, "La lala. One crow for sorrow." Ferret couldn't tell where she had heard that saying before.

         The little trainee jolted, as if something; other than the voice, was beckoning her. Calling for her. Her body grew restless as she longed for the calling again. It felt welcoming. And then she gasped, her eyes shut and the spirit world blacked out. Her eyes opened once more, and endless light filtered through. She jerked in alarm, a tall fluffy figure was looming over her, murmuring. 

         "Oh your fine. I told Daffodil not to bother you, but she was so worried."

         Daffodil! The rest of her memories returned, and Ferret's sight quickly flitted across the den as she took in her surrounding. It was just like the first day she woke up in Forest Colony. She grunted as she got to her paws and tried to walk out of the den.

         Quietfang hissed, "You need to rest!"

         "No," she mumbled absently, "I'm fine." It wasn't a lie, somehow, she didn't feel tired or weak.

        She sat down just in front of the healer's den. The burying ceremony for Softwing was taking place. She scanned the camp, every-cat was in grief, and Ferret should have been too. And she was. But another feeling, something stronger churned in her stomach. Something much stronger than grief. It was anger, no not anger. Hatred; yes, it was hatred. 

         She hated Glade Colony. 

Picture above is Marigold.

So, ummmm, different.... How was it? Very out of my comfort zone.

This chapter was honestly my favorite to write!

Who do you think the creepy kitten was? And do you think Ferret's mom actually came or was it just her imagination? Who do you think the two cackling felines were?

What do you think of the inclusion with the nursery rhyme, 'One For Sorrow'?

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