Chapter 13 - climbing the ranks

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         "On your marks. Get set. Go!!"

          Daffodil lunged to Ferret's right to bite her torso, but the ginger trainee batted her right fore-paw and then shoved her with her shoulders. Being much heavier than the cream molly, Ferret easily knocked Daffodil to the ground, underbelly vulnerable. Most cats would take the opportunity to attack the underbelly, as they have been taught but Ferret had other interests. Not having full balance, Daffodil would kick her off if she took the obvious route so instead the ginger tabby waited. She tensed her limbs and took an alert stance. As Daffodil fumbled to rise again, Ferret charged in and softly bite her left shoulder. She took the chance after to swipe at Daffodil's back, claws sheathed. By this point, Ferret would have won in a real battle so she let her friend go.

          Ripplespots smiled proudly, "That was perfect Ferret. Forestclan hasn't seen such a strategist in years."

          "That was fine Daffodil, perhaps next time rise to your paws quicker and be more aware of your surroundings," critiqued Minnowbloom, a little disappointed.

         After a little bit to recover, it was time for hunting.

         "You will have until sunset to catch as much prey as possible anywhere in the territory. Since the first snow fall is close, prey will give you extra points. Sunset is close so let us begin! Good luck!" instructed the gray spotted mentor.

         Ferret sighed, she was not as good as hunting than she was at fighting. But nevertheless, she was still pretty good. Her precision, strategy, and stalking skills made her an excellent hunter with snow or foliage but the ground was barren as the trees had shed their leaves weeks ago and most of the plants had died.

         She attempted her first catch near the Glade Colony border where there were scarce bushes and dried grass that small rodents could find food from.

         The ginger she-cat grinned, a scrawny mouse was scavenging for insects that could be inhabiting the shrubs. She crept through an area with little dried grass so the crackling sound wouldn't give her away. The rodents perked it's ears, aware of a presence. Ferret wished for good luck and pounced onto the mouse, she pinned it down with her left fore-paw and hastily bit it's neck. One down. Sunset was approaching, and a few more efficient kills and she would pass.

         A mouse and a rabbit was a really good catch so close to winter. Daffodil had caught a wren and vole which was pretty good as well.

         By the time they approached camp, the moon was rising and the clan had gathered for the naming ceremony.

         Ivysting was grinning, "We are gathered here to celebrate the coming of two new protecters. They have trained hard for seasons and I call upon the ranks of The Spirits to give them their full name. Daffodil, you are decent at hunting and are gifted with speed but unfortunately that is not enough to overrule my statement moons ago. You will become a Lowerpaw with the name of Daffodilspark for your swiftness and energy." The cream molly dipped her head and the empress rested her chin on both of her shoulders as a sort of initiation.  

         The light gray tabby fixed her focus on Ferret and began, "Ferret, you are a prodigy at battle and a great strategist which has helped you and will continue to help you in many situations where others will fall. You will become an Upperfang with the name of Ferretsky for your endless possibilities and problem-solving skills." Ivysting rested her chin on both of the ginger tabby's shoulders and the colony cheered for their new ranks.

         As the colony dispersed, Featherdrift; previously Drift, approached Daffodilspark, "Congratulations! I look forward to more patrols with you." He blushed and backed away to the Middleclaw den.

         Ferretsky nudged her friend playfully as Daffodilspark was frozen with shock and excitement. Ferretsky retreated to her new den, a little sad she wouldn't be sleeping with Daffodil anymore but thrilled at the same time. She would make her nest later, but for now a few scraps of leaves would do.

         A pale spirit like figure of her mother seemed to be floating in front of her, or perhaps it was a figment of her imagination. It smiled warmly and mewed, "I'm proud of you. Do not be angry. Be at peace. A danger is coming from the deepest burrows."

Picture above is Featherdrift. (I know did him but still)

Cats from Forest and Glade Colony will either receive a prefix or suffix. For example, Drift became Featherdrift and Daffodil became Daffodilspark.

Hmmm, I wonder what ghost Marigold is saying?? Foreshadowing?!?!? The prophecy is pretty easy to depict, if you think about what it could possible be hinting at. Once it's revealed, it's pretty obvious!!

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