Chapter 17 - betrayal

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         "Ferret?" Daffodilspark called, poking her head into the den, "Would you like to go on a walk?"

         The ginger tabby sighed, unmotivated. She scanned the guilty pleading look on her friend's face and begrudgingly agreed. She quickly flatted the fur on her head and chest before following Daffodilspark out of camp.

         The cream molly swung her tail nervously, whiskers twitching, "You know how I've been absent lately..."

         "Please don't tell me you found a mate in Glade Colony or you're expecting kits with Featherdrift," groaned Ferretsky.

         Daffodilspark smiled slightly, "Well no." She paused and blurted, "I'm part of the resistance!"

         "The what stance?"

         "Resistance. A group planning to overthrow Ivysting."

         The upperfang flattened her ears, "And why did you tell me this? You know it's very dangerous information."

         "Because you're my friend!" she exclaimed. "I trust you, and it was too much of a secret to keep to myself."

         Ferretsky murmured jokingly, "You're a weird one Daffy. Now, what is this resistance about?"

         The lowerpaw seemed tense, "You can't tell anyone!"

          "I won't"

         "Promise?" she mewed weakly.


         "We're trying to kill her," she admitted, unsheathing her claws.

         "Oh my!" Ferretsky gasped dramatically. "Who is the leader of this said group?"

         Daffodilspark dipped her head, "My mother."

         "Ah," she rested her tail on her friend's shoulder and beckoned, "Say, race you to the Stumpy Fir!"

         Daffodilspark had obviously won, and the two friends returned to camp. It was turning to night and most cats were in camp grooming themselves and chatting about their day. Ferretsky's eyes brewed with guilt as she spotted the empress. She took a deep breath a


        Forest Colony had gathered to hear the empress's word. They were gossiping about what the gathering could be about, not much news needed to be said.

        Ivysting rose her paws to silence them in an instant and spoke, "A traitor has been found in our colony." She paused for dramatic affect, "Now, apparently cats are starting a rebellion. Some group called the Resistance perhaps. I don't want to punish all the cats who have joined, for their poor minds have been fed with poisonous lies that the leader has spreading. But the leader, oh she will be punished. Cherrybee, any last words."

        The lithe council member froze, eyes glazed with dread, "I'm not sure where you've received this incorrect information, but I assure you I would never lead any sort of rebellion."

         "Oh my source of information is quite valid," the light gray tabby purred, "For act of treason and plotting to murder the empress, I Ivysting; empress of Forest Colony, sentence Cherrybee; council member of Forest Colony, to death." She turned to Aldertwig, "Would you like to do the pleasures."

         The brown tabby tom nodded and leapt at the frozen Cherrybee. Cherrybee turned instinctively to scratch Aldertwig but her paws were batted away by the other council member. The colony watched tensely. Aldertwig clawed Cherrybee's chest and bit her throat as the cream she-cat's body went limp. The tom stepped away gingerly and licked the blood off his claws.

         "NO!!" screamed Daffodilspark, tears streaming down her eyes.

         The lifeless cream body sent Ferretsky into a state of shock and memories but she pushed them away. The guilt was overpowering all her emotions. She unsheathed her claws and pushed one into her left foreleg so that the physical pain would keep her from falling into another abyss of feelings and memories.

         Before giving the colony a moment to recover, Ivysting continued, "The same will continue to any member of the Resistance who dare to continue their plans. I am very sorry to see my former friend go but another council member must be elected. And with much thought, I have chosen Ferretsky!"

Picture above is Fallen Ember.

I hated writing this chapter, not the actual process but the plot. Poor Daffodilspark :(

Well Ferretsky is now a council member... we all saw that coming.

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