Making Up for Lost Time

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They spent the rest of the week all over each other. There was a brief discussion about taking it slow, but the idea was quickly dismissed. A year or so of wistfulness and pining was more than slow enough, they decided. Better to make up for lost time, and boy did they ever make up for it.

His fling from the previous summer had spent most of their time together at Remus’ home, as the other boy was very much in the closet. As such, Remus was already used to the idea of his father seeing him with a partner, though Sirius was still uncharacteristically intimidated by the man. This led to Remus taking great joy in kissing him right as Lyall entered the room. Never much more than a quick peck, but enough to make Sirius all flustered and red.

Remus had his own share of embarrassment, though, when his father came home early from work one day to find the boys in a bit more of an intimate position than any of them were really comfortable with. That night had been a particularly silent dinner that ended with Remus dragging Sirius abruptly out of the room after Lyall was no longer able to suppress a fit of laughter.

Lyall was, for the most part, very supportive of this new (though completely predictable, he thought) development. Though in a private moment with Remus he expressed his concern. Remus could see him building up to it. He’d been hitting the whiskey a little harder, the way he did on the rare occasions he tried broaching a difficult topic. The two of them were in the living room listening to the radio, Remus reading quietly while Sirius showered. Remus braced himself when the radio was suddenly switched off. He lowered his book and looked up at his father.

“Rey, I- You know, I like Sirius. He’s a good kid. A bit uptight, but sweet.”

Remus balked a little at that description of Sirius. He realized his father had no context for how Sirius usually was around authority figures (an absolute, unashamed menace) and didn’t understand that his reaction to Lyall was quite unusual. He pictured Sirius’ face hearing himself described as ‘uptight’ and had to hold in a laugh. Outwardly, he simply nodded along.

“You’re of age in a couple of months, and you’ll be finished school next year. Your mother and I… you were sent to Hogwarts so you could have a life. I want you to have that, but…”

“I know dad. Be careful.”

“It’s not that I don’t think you can trust him-”

“Dad, it’s okay. I understand. I do trust him though. I’ve known him since I was 11. It’s good. Really.”

Remus thought back to fifth year. The ‘prank’ with Snape. A month of Sirius begging forgiveness before Remus spoke a word to him again. Many months after that before he started letting his walls back down. He quickly pushed the thought out of his mind.

“He’d never do anything to hurt me.”

Lyall was still, seemingly mulling the words over in his mind. His son spoke with such certainty.

“Good. That’s good son.”

Lyall switched the radio back on and Remus returned to his book.

Later that afternoon Lyall took Sirius out and showed him one of the old motorbikes he had stored away in the shed. Remus didn’t join in as he’d never much had the taste for it, but his dad loved mechanical things and when Sirius expressed an interest, he jumped at the chance to show off. Sirius had seen motorbikes on album covers and always thought they looked very cool.

He took to it immediately. As much as he loved to fly, there was something about the roar of the engine and the power it generated that even a broomstick couldn’t quite match.

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