Common Faults

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Remus had been in the same position for… he didn’t know how many hours. The room had gotten dark around him quite some time ago. He felt it pressing in on him, begging him to move. To do what he needed to find a light. Still, he did not get up.

If he stood up, if he moved, there was only one place he was going. It was a place he did not wish to return to, even while he desperately longed to be there again.

So he sat.

He sat until the precise moment he couldn’t sit any longer.

As soon as he was on his feet, he was out the door. A second later a loud crack rang through the empty flat.

He was in an alleyway outside a familiar bar. He knew what was waiting for him inside and he thought about how it would feel to have the acrid smoke coat his lungs. To feel it in his body. He could think of nothing in the world that he wanted more in that moment. He turned on the spot, another loud crack drawing the attention of muggles on the street to the now empty alley.

He stood at the end of the small cul-de-sac in Godric’s Hollow, staring at his friends front door. He didn’t want to wake them. It was so late, and strangers in the night were an alarming prospect when you’re in hiding from a homicidal monster. He probably shouldn't have even apparated there. That noise alone might have been cause for panic. He was a terrible friend. He should just leave them be.

He stepped forward and knocked on the door.

Not long after, a bleary eyed but alert James opened it up and stared hard. He gestured for Remus to come in. He obliged, James shutting the door quickly behind him. As soon as the door was closed, he rounded on Remus, stepping in close and staring him right in the eyes.

“Are you high? Drunk? What’s going on Remus?” he asked anxiously. "I'm experiencing some distinctly uncomfortable déjà vu here, mate."

“No, I’m fine, really. Hey-” he raised his hands defensively at James’ doubtful look, “I swear to you, I am completely sober.”

James hesitated a moment before stepping back and breathing a sigh of relief.

“In that case, good to see you, Moony,” he said tiredly as he walked over to the kitchen and opened the fridge door. "Do you want something to drink? We have water, tea, be-" he closed the fridge door suddenly, standing up very straight. "We have water or tea."

Remus looked at him, amused. "Were you about to offer me a beer?"

"No?" he said shiftily. "Because that would be incredibly stupid. Also we don't even have any alcohol in this house anyway so don't you look foolish," James accused.

"It's fine Prongs, I don't expect everyone I know to be sober just because I have to be. Besides, the shitty light beer you drink isn't tempting even to me, and I've done lines off of toilet seats at nightclubs, so my standards aren't high. If you want to offer me a fifth of whiskey or some cocaine this might be a different conversation."

"You're getting very judgey for someone who just showed up on my doorstep at two in the morning."

“I’m sorry," Remus said sheepishly. "Did I wake Lily?”

“No. Ever since the baby she can sleep through anything. I think all that waking up in the middle of the night to crying sort of broke something inside of her, now nothing short of the howls of an infant can rouse her. I’m incredibly jealous.”

“Oh, that’s good then,” said Remus as he took a seat at the kitchen table.

It wasn't true. She'd woken up right along with him as soon as they heard the cracking sound. When they'd looked out the window and seen Remus they thought that if he was in trouble he'd be less overwhelmed with just one of them. James insisted he'd come get her if there were any problems.

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