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No one's POV

"Y/n!" Powder yelled, reaching out for her, before being flown backwards off the ledge.

Everything went in slow motion. Blue specks everywhere, electricity, it was a pretty sight to see.

Powder touched one of the specks, smiling at the peaceful moment.

Powder harshly landed on the ground, knocking the wind out of her.

She huffed and groaned in pain, laying there for a moment to catch her breath


Y/n's body flew aggressively to the wall, due to the harsh explosion. Her head hit the wall really hard, causing her to fall out of consciousness.

A piece of the blue crystal went through the door the others were in. The piece broke into smaller pieces, one of them hitting Claggor.

Claggor's goggles flew off his head, as his body smashed into the wall.

A metal pipe broke off and flew at Mylo, going through his chest. Mylo's eyes widened in shock. he looked over to dead Claggor who sat next to him. Mylo tried to pull the pipe out of him, before debris from the ceiling fell on him.

There were a bunch of wood planks lying on Vander and Vi. They were still alive, but barely.

Vander woke up from his unconscious state, looking over to his sons, who laid there dead. He then looked over to Vi, who was struggling under many wooden planks. Vi cried out in pain as she tried to squirm out of the planks, but was unable to do so.

Vander being the strong man he is, he pushed the planks off of him.

Y/n woke up, immediately smelling and seeing fire everywhere. She dragged her body towards the door of the room everyone was in, doing so very slowly due to the pain running through her body.

She made it to the door frame and pulled herself into the room. She was immediately greeted with fear, seeing the bodies of her dead brothers. Horror took over her as she screamed and cried.

What had she done?...

Y/n watched as Vi struggled underneath the planks, her body was folded into a not-so normal position.

Y/n tried to get up, but the pain was coursing through her veins.

She crawled over to Vi, Trying to lift some planks off of her. But with her being young and small, she wasn't strong enough to lift even one. She felt useless.

Y/n's vision began to cloud, she was falling in and out of consciousness.

"I'm so sorry." She whispered to Vi before passing out again.

Vander saw an unconscious Y/n and a struggling Vi. Vander's anger and hatred towards Silco grew. He growled as He saw Silco clumsily stumble while trying to stand up.

Vander took this chance to attack him.

Vander grabbed his neck, strangling Silco.
They both had a flashback from when they were younger.

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