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Jinx's POV

I wish Silco would just let me do what I want. Okay well, he does, most of the time. He lets me blow up buildings, but he won't let me stay out after like 9 PM.

And I haven't had a friend since the monkey bomb situation. How would he react?

I don't want Y/n to think I didn't wanna have a sleepover with her. But I honestly don't know what Silco would think.

"he'll probably hurt her"

"No he won't!" I waved off Mylo's presence.

"or kill her."

"Shut up! I wouldn't let him do anything to her." I growled at him.

I could just invite Y/n over to my place, introduce her to Silco, he would love her!


"Dude he's gonna hate me!" Y/n exclaimed, looking at me with wide eyes.

"He may be a bit of a meanie, but he's not gonna do anything when I'm around!" I said with a wide smile.

"Jinx, I don't know about this." Y/n replied, rubbing her arm nervously.

"He trusts me! He's not gonna do anything unless he goes through me first." I say, grabbing her hands.

"What about those chores?" She asked.


"Hehe, oops..!" I smiled nervously. Y/n sighed before standing up and stretching. I couldn't help but look at her ass.

"Pleaseeeee sugar!! I'll do anything!" I exclaimed, pouting.

She turned around and looked at me with her hand on her hip.

"No, Jinx." She says.

Puppy dog eyes.

I gave her puppy dog eyes, I knew she wouldn't be able to resist them.

I watched as she became frustrated. "UGH fine!" She said, throwing ber hands up in the air in annoyance.

"YAYYY!" I exclaimed like a child getting candy.

"But if I die, I'm coming back to haunt you." She said to me, pointing a finger in my face before poking my nose.

"Deal." I smiled widely.

Y/n's POV

Fuck I'm nervous. This man's gonna eat my soul and spit it out.

I bit my nails as we walked to her home. Meanwhile Jinx was happily skipping beside me.

"Don't be nervous, hun! It's gonna be alright!" She says, grabbing my hands and pulling me with her. "You're such a slowpoke."

"Give me some of your energy, please." I say groggily.

"You're fineee." She replied, poking my nose. 

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