Chapter 6

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A/N: So, sorry. I realized I never really clarified what I was doing, but I keep noticing that people who write NYSM stories all seem to skip that year period between the Horsemen meeting and Vegas, so I figured I really wanted to fill some of it in as it had some potential for good plot development. So, I'm obviously not going to write it day by day, but instead get some character development for Celine and Tuesday, some fluff between them and their respective love interests, and then finally get back on track with the movie. If you don't like it...well, sorry. Maybe let me know and I'll cut some of it down, but otherwise, deal with it.

Also, excuse the fluff. I have very limited knowledge on how actual relationships work, so bear with me and my horrible romance-y writing.

And...enjoy the story, cause I'm enjoying writing it. : )

*Four Months Later*

Celine's Point of View.

I sighed in happiness as I sat down on my couch with a cup of green tea and crossed out another objective on one of the many lists I had made of stuff that our mysterious "Eye" person left for us to take care of.

Get Arthur Tressler as benefactor

Have shows scheduled at Vegas, New Orleans, and 5 Pointz

List all people Tressler affected from Hurricane Katrina

Crédit Républicain de Paris money

Flash paper money

Étienne Forcier à Vegas

Crédit Républicain vault set

Bugged Phone

Show + Escape Equipment (check Atlas' list)

Show outfits (Henley took care of)

Get Tuesday and Jack together :3

"You got Tressler?" Daniel questioned from behind me, making me jump slightly. He always did that, sneaking out of nowhere. Him and Merritt both seemed to get some sort of kick out of scaring me I guess.

"Yup," I grinned, tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear. Normally I'd be pretty embarrassed if a guy I wasn't dating for a while had seen me in baggy sweatpants, a large wool sweater, glasses and hair in a messy bun, but after living with people for 4 months it was pretty surprising how cool you got around them. "It was easy enough. You still struggling with our leashes?"

"They're not leashes, they're tracking bracelets," he defended himself. "And yes, I am."

"The universe clearly wants your "Control Freak" behavior to chill out," I chuckled slightly, glancing at the list for the thousandth time. "Tressler is working on our show dates, said he was happy to do it. I managed to get Merritt to book our flights to Paris finally so we can brainwash Étienne."

He leaned over the back of the couch and my shoulder, and I blushed slightly when I felt his breath on my neck. Damn I hate that I blush easily. I don't even like him, what the fuck body? Why have you forsaken me?

"I have most of the stuff for the show," he muttered, "It'd be helpful if Merritt would help more instead of hitting on you and Henley and Jack stopped trailing after Tuesday like a lost puppy and just asked her out already."

"Right?" I agreed, "I mean, the puppy thing is adorable but he really needs to grow a pair."

"Who does?" Tuesday questioned, walking into the room with, who would've guessed, Jack trailing behind her, and Henley and Merritt following shortly after. "Sorry, they were sitting in on a Let's Play recording with me."

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