Chapter 7

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A/N: Apologies. I don't at all like how this chapter is turning out, but I really hope you do. I basically just wanted to really stress the conflict Celine is having with herself over Daniel, and also some cutesy-ness between Jack and Tuesday, or at least an update on where they're at. The story doesn't really centre around them though, so I'm keeping it to a minimum. As I've also mentioned before, I don't know much on how relationships work, so bear with me. Also, sorry if Celine seems a little whiny this chapter. I don't know why but I felt like I wrote her to be that way, but I promise she'll get better as the story goes on. She's just got a lot on her mind now :)

Also, to clear up any confusion that may be had, this entire chapter fills up nearly all of the 6 months remaining in the year long gap in the movie, excluding the next chapter, which will involve them going to Paris to get Etienne to go to Vegas and a lot of Deline and Tack fluff.
Please enjoy :)
PS: "Italics" is Celine basically narrating what is happening. Hope that isn't too confusing or annoying for you people.

The remaining months flashed by, all leading up to those fateful three shows where we would blow the world away and fuck with a lot of people that deserved it.
They flashed by quickly, yes, but that doesn't mean that they were uneventful. I mean, for starters, Jack and Tuesday went on their first date.

"Seriously Tues, calm down," I spoke up, watching the girl in question rush frantically around her room. We had the house to ourselves before the date, with three of the Horsemen dragging the fourth to the mall to buy him something to wear tonight. "Christ, what's going on with you?"
"I don't know what to wear, what to do with my hair, what to say...Celine I'm so lost!" she listed quickly.
I held back a laugh at her frustration. "Relax, and be yourself. Plus, if it's that bad I can help you dress up."
She paused and turned to me, speaking with a deadpanned voice. "It's a date, not Comic Con. I'll pass."
I scoffed, mildly offended. "Fine then. Ignore my help. I'll be editing."
"That's cool," she called as I walked out of her room. "I have plenty to wear here in my lovely" another pause. "CELINE I HAVE NOTHING TO WEAR!!!"
"YOU LOST YOUR CHANCE!!!" I yelled back jokingly, already pulling out a few dresses from my wardrobe that I knew would fit her.
By the time I got back, however, I realized my mistake.
"Jeez Tuesday, I was joking. Here," I tossed the dresses to the figure curled up on her bed and sulking.
She quickly looked through the dresses. "Red and black, perfect. That's his favourite...what?" she raised her eyebrows at my Cheshire Cat-like grin.
"You are so whipped," I chuckled, leaving her to change.
"'re in love with Daniel!"
"No, I'm not!"
"Deniiiiaaaal!" she sung at me.
"Shut up!"

So, their first date went perfectly (I mean, of course it did. I had a hand in planning it), and luckily for us the rest of the planning that had to be done was going perfectly too.
I mean, I never really expected it to be so simple to steal 3.2 million Euros, but hey, who doesn't love a good surprise?

"You two are killing me," I managed to breath when the guards weren't close by.
"Sorry, we didn't exactly plan our diets around being trapped in an area too small for one person, let alone three," Daniel breathed at me.
Should I explain our situation? Probably.
Well you see, Henley, Daniel and I were all hitching a ride in a guarded truck underneath a shipment of over 3 million Euros. I was currently wedged in between the two, unable to breath and feeling my slight claustrophobia kicking in.
Though I had to admit, this heist was pretty sick. Stealing 3 million for a magic show, all while wearing an all black ninja-like outfit? I'm living the dream here people.
I nearly cheered though, when I felt the truck stop. I knew that it would be Merritt and Jack arriving, with the first one knocking out the driver and any guards that may be in the front.
The guard that was in the back of the truck with us began walking to see what the delay was, but a quick intervention from Henley had him out for the count, just in time for the other two Horsemen to open the doors.
"Thank the Lord," I sighed at the same time Henley greeted the others with a "Hey boys." She sort of reminded me of Crowley right there, not gonna lie.
I pushed aside the money with the others, and we stood up quickly with relief.
"That was endless," I groaned and stretched.
"Come on, was it really that bad?" Daniel asked me teasingly as the others began switching out the real cash for the counterfeit. "I mean," he continued as we grabbed some money ourselves, "you were closer to me just then than most girls could ever hope for."
I rolled my eyes. "You wish I enjoyed that, Atlas, but it was sort of my own personal hell."
Instead of him rolling his eyes or scoffing in response like he might normally, he just grinned smugly and leaned closer to whisper in my ear.
"The blush on your face is saying otherwise."
I stepped back, glaring at him and continuing to switch out the money.
"The blush was from the heat and the claustrophobia," I told myself firmly. "It had nothing to do with Daniel. I did not enjoy being so close to him, listening to that idiotic, controlling, smug, narcissistic asshole talking to me like I'm one of his many sluts impressed with his little tricks. I am not, in any way, attracted to Daniel Atlas."
But of course, the ever so present blush and racing of my heart had to contradict me.
Still, maybe if I lie to myself enough, I could start to believe it. Sort of like what I do with my confidence. Act confidence, gain confidence, that sort of thing.
I don't like Atlas. I don't like Atlas. I. Am. Not. Attracted. To. Atlas.
...did it work?
Fucking hell, Tuesday's not the only one who's whipped. At least she knows what Jack's favourite colour is. I know next to nothing about my illusionist, and somehow it doesn't at all deter me from liking him.
"Celine," Henley snapped me out of my thoughts. "We're done. Come on, we have to hurry."
I shook off my thoughts. We didn't have time for my mental conflict right now.
"Right," I nodded, brushing past the others and leading them to the escape route I had planned. I did my best to ignore Merritt's knowing grin (god damn mentalist) and Daniel's smug smirk.
J Daniel Atlas, why the hell did you have to enter my life?

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