You Are My Everything

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You Are My Everything

I watch as she falls to the ground, clutching her chest, just moments after a gunshot.

The world goes silent around me as I race toward her. I manage to catch her before she hits the concrete and I see red spreading over her cotton top. I feel her hands come up to my face, leaving scarlet marks on my cheeks and neck.

Her once ruby red, but now pale chapped lips move. I bend forward to hear her last words.

"Thank you..." it comes as a whisper through shallow breaths, "for staying with me... for... loving me - when... no one else... did..." her eyes flutter closed but she holds on. "You are - my... everyth-" the last word is never finished as her heart gives out.

I know tears roll down my face but I don't feel them. I cup her face and bend my head over her, protecting her from the carnage breaking out around us.

It's just us.

It was always us.

And it always will be us.

Even if I walk this earth seemingly alone, she will be by my side for no one else to see.

She has always gone unnoticed by everyone but me. Her death will go unnoticed by everyone but me.

I place a soft but lingering kiss on her lips in a goodbye gesture.

I can't walk this earth without her though. I could stay by her side, forever. We said that we'd follow each other no matter where we went. We'd walk hand in hand into the darkness and come out of it the same. This is how we will leave this place. Together on a stretcher. To be buried under the earth with the worms. Together.


The word stays with me as I raise my gun to my head. I sit up, taking one last look at the girl I love. This is how I will go.

"Together," I whisper like the caress of wind in the trees. "Together."

I can feel the weight of the metal in my palm.

I can feel the cold barrel end on my temple.

The world seems to slow around me. Echos of bangs and screams enter my ears but not for my brain to process.

I take my eyes up to the clear blue sky before closing them.

"Together." I breathe.

I squeeze the trigger.

≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫

It's been a while since I wrote something in this book but someone on Pinterest said how good my writing was and it gave me a boost, so thank you @lokix97trip :)

As I was finalizing this I was listening to Astronomy by Conan Gray. Idk why I've just told you that but I guess it's what made this story complete for me.

I guess that with these you'll never get a backstory but it leaves it open for you. You can imagine what these people have been through 'together' and I'm going to let that happen. Just relax sometimes and create a story for yourself. Remember, everyone will think of something different so let your brain do it, just close your eyes, listen to Astronomy or any other song you want and dream for a moment. It will do you good.

We all live crazy and busy lives but just having a few moments to yourself is important. You, yes you, need to press pause for a moment, right now.

Enjoy dreaming,
Amelia <3

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