The Girl In The Rain

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[inspo: a dark rainy evening sitting by the window]

The smell of rain.


The sound of the raindrops on the cobblestones echoes around the deserted street.

The girl wears a long white floaty dress that now clings to her slender frame because of the rain.

Her hands are shaking though. She looks down at them with her perfect apple-green eyes. Her fingers are stiff with cold and she flexes them, attempting to get the blood flowing again.


It now pounds in her ears, drowning out the sound of the rain on the cobblestones.


Her lungs are half the size, unable to take in enough oxygen. She gasps and looks around herself, stumbling over her own feet.

Somehow, she makes it to a wall. As she leans against it, it is like her thoughts come back and her brain starts working again.

"Where am I?" The girl whimpers and places her hands on her knees. That is when she sees her white dress is stained with something.


It rushes around her body. It's under her fingernails. It's on her dress.

Where did it come from?

Is it hers?

She shakes more and more. Uncontrollable vibrations.

The girl sinks to the ground, pulling her knees to her chest and making herself as small as possible.

She cries.

Why can't she remember!?

The street is deserted. Houses are lining it but there is no one home.

Why is she wearing a beautiful white dress?

Why is she here, wherever here is?

After one last sob, the girl gets herself together. She wipes her eyes with a grimy hand before pushing herself to her feet.

Her legs carry her down the street in the direction she was headed originally. She keeps pushing forward, determined to make sense of everything.

A familiar face flashes before her eyes.

But it's not got that familiar smile.

It's contorted in pain instead. The is mouth open and a scream echoes around the girl's ears as she remembers a fraction of something that's happened.

The girl rubs her eyes and shakes her head. She must get away, that is all she knows.

The girl reaches the end of the street and it is a crossroads.

A left turn.

A right turn.

Her head flicks both ways before she shuts her eyes.


The word echoes around her mind, filling every space in her body as her feet move in that direction. Her pace speeds up on the cobblestones, her breathing quickening to match.

She reaches another crossroads.

"Right," the voice says.

Her feet obey.

She's running. Hurtling down the streets to wherever she needs to go.


The girl halts. Her chest is rising and falling. Her hair is sticking to the side of her face. Her dress is lank and shapeless.

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