Dancing Shadows

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Dancing Shadows

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Dancing Shadows

I watched as the elderly woman passed the man. She did not even raise her eyes from the pavement and the man barely registered he had passed her.

Their shadows met then merged then separated again as they walked further apart. They must have been from the same era: war times. I wished I could look into their memories and discover something hidden beneath the greying skin, bent backs and white hair.

Maybe it was because I spent my days analyzing the world but I saw something in their shadows. They danced rather than just simply passed through each other. An unspoken connection from long ago, from another life.

How many times does that happen? People pass on the streets but they look the other way, seldom stopping and taking in their world.

Maybe they were lovers once. Maybe they were enemies. Or maybe they were just friends who drifted apart like so many do.

Their shadows showed that. The merging of them, dancing together with the grace of a dolphin in the water, the fluidity of a swallow's wings as it swoops and dives. They were portals to another world that is so different to our own. An insight into a previous life they once knew but has almost been forgotten.


Even when memories fade, can we really ever forget?

≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫

Thanks for reading!
Sorry, my stories are going downhill, I'm trying to stay motivated and have an open mind but it's difficult :(

Anyway, I hope you at least enjoyed that and it gave you something to think about! :D

Love, Amelia <3

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