Feels like flying.

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Closed eyes, faded smile, rolling tears. A swirling void of blue and black scattered with speckled stars. A full pale moon, casting a ghastly white light down on the deserted streets, outshining the dim flickering lampposts. An empty park, a small girl, an unsettling silence.

She was alone again. They didn't want her, none of them did. They pretended they really liked her just to leave without her. They said someone would, sometime soon, but they'd been telling her for years.

She liked the soft warm air, the leftovers of a hot summer's day, and the cool breeze to go with it. She tried to listen for sounds, and all she could hear was the rustling of leaves and once in a lifetime a car would go past, belonging to a poor late night worker, on their way home.

She felt calm and collected now, the tears drying on her skin. It had never taken this long before, but she could feel her mind... melting, deteriorating. It won't be long before she snapped.

She runs a slender pale hand through silky thick black hair and sighs heavily.

Rummaging into the tattered bag beside her she pulls out a glass bottle filled with clear liquid. Popping it open, she swallows a large gulp of the burning poison with a grimace.

It was disgusting in a delicious way and she couldn't put the shit down. Drop by drop the liquid disappeared down her throat.

A while later, she laughed as she could feel the alcohol coursing through her veins then she shook her head and took another gulp.

Finally her mind was off it all and finally she was feeling happy and it was addictive. She staggered to her feet bottle gripped in one hand her bag in another and she started to wander, taking swigs as she went.

One bottle went then another then another. She was on a road? Her mind was foggy her vision was blurry and her movement slurred.

She stood on a roof and had no idea how she got up here. She stared at the ground she could barely see and thought about what it would feel like if she fell into it.

How death would feel.

For a minute she was flying and she was breathless and she wanted it she wanted life. She felt alive.

Her ears were shattered by the sound of sirens then there was silence and darkness.

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