Just a Game

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The desolate city burned, flickers of red stretching for the sky, thick swirling clouds of grey and black curling around the collapsing buildings.

Everyone stood, and gazed at their old home, shoulders tensed as they watched everything they'd ever known burn and disintegrate into the ground.

From where they stood, silence hung heavy over their heads, and the burning city looked almost peaceful.

An icy wind swept over them and the slight smell of smoke lingered in the air for a second.

They didn't know what to do next, where to go, but for now they were content in watching the flames do a dance of death, their hands clamped together as they stood shoulder to shoulder.

What a sight they were. Thousands of people clustered. Tired, sweaty, they're faces pale and hollow, dark bags hanging heavy under their sunken eyes.

They'd been torn from their homes and they'd been through hell to come back just to see it be destroyed. Their only instinct was survive and their last shred of hope was peeling away from them as they hung onto their last chance at life.

This had happened plenty of times before. No one cried. No one was angry. No one was smiling or screaming or anything. They just stood there, every face as neutral as the other. They didn't know how to feel.

No one was worried about what they'd do next.

They'd reached a state of numbness, and soon, without speaking, they all came to the same conclusion.

Slowly, the crowd began to surge forward. They marched as one, hands still clasped. They walked for hours. The smoke began to enclose them and they coughed and spluttered and some passed out but still they marched on.

Straight into the burning city, straight to their deaths.


I sat and stared at the screen. What a disappointing end to the game. I'll give it to my sister and see if she can get an alternate ending.

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