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This isn't a new one shot, you can ignore it of you want.

Will I ever see you again?
All those late night talks, years of effort put into a carefully constructed relationship, just to be tossed away at one simple sentence, one single action.
The songs play on repeat in my mind, the ones I associated with you.
Your name comes to my mind and all falls dark because I call I can think of is you, you won't get out of my head.

Will I ever see you again?
How long have you been waiting to do this?
How long have you felt like this?
How long have you kept this from me?
How long how long how long HOW LONG?

Will I ever see you again?
So much of me is made up from you. It hurts that your gone. Was I not enough for you? Why didn't you just tell me? I could have helped you, I could've talked to you for longer, I could've given you advice, I could've given you the love you needed. Why did you have to leave me? You said you loved me, do I mean nothing to you?

Will you ever speak to me again?
I fucking miss you. It's been what? One day, two days? Your dead, and I can't seem to register it. I keep fucking texting and calling you, hoping you'll reply, and it would've just been a sick dream. Is this a dream...? I don't even fucking know your real. But I know I needed you. You needed me even. But you kept all this stuff from me, stuff I deserved to know, it involved me too. I know you didn't want me hurt, but you should have just told me.

Fuck you.
I tried.
You left me.
I needed you.
I fucking needed you.
Why could you just tell me?
Why did you have to leave?
Is it my fault...?
I want you back, I want you back, I WANT YOU BACK.
I hate you.
I fucking hate you.
I hate you for leaving me.
I hate you for not trying.
I hate you for hurting me, you said you'd never hurt me.
I hate you I hate you I fucking HATE YOU.
Why wasn't I, why wasn't they enough?
I understand but....

I miss you, I love you.
I hope your happy up there.
I hope you got the peace you deserve.
Wait for me yeah?
So I can see you again.

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