Burning Flesh

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Some people say that the heaviest thing in the world is iron. I don't.I feel as though the heaviest thing is the weight behind your finger before you pull the trigger. The thought that with a click of your finger you could end someone's life. It was like all the pieces came together with Ken,Rachel and I. As it begun so it was to be ended. But unfortunately I was the individual at the end of the barrel.I still remember the first sense that came to my mind after they pulled the trigger. Funny enough it wasn't the feeling of the bullet shattering my ribs neither when it punctured my lungs. No, the first sense that came to me was smell, I could literally smell the gun powder smoke and my very own flesh burn through my nose. Followed by the sound a sudden loud roar in the air that broke the silence of the neighborhood. Finally, the pain as I dropped to the ground like a bag of rice. I still remember the words that lingered in the air after they shot me. "Why would you make us do this" with tears running down their faces a bonnet was used to try and stop the blood from gushing out. At that time all that mattered to me was the future not the present, thankfully I had made provisions for all the people I would leave behind, so even in my demise I was still accomplishing something, Unfortunately the cost for the people closest to me to be happy was my life. I remember the look on the paramedics face when I asked her if I was going to die. She began to cry and said "I don't know". In my eyes that life was over and on June 16th 1982 I died.

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