Poisonous Lead

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Hello Love,
It's  been a while since you and I have last converse, due to reasons best known to us. Never in a thousand years would I have predicted that this would be the outcome of our love story. But  we cannot undo the errors of our past, we can only learn from them and hope to do better in our nearest endeavors. You see, We are forced to live with the consequences of our actions in order to truly evolve and become better people. In spite of everything said and done I would still cross the seven seas in order to tell you how proud I am of the young woman you've grown to become. I never thought I'd ever see the day you would become so young, strong and beautiful. I believe one of my greatest mistakes I made whilst being with you was trying to hide you from the world because you weren't ready for it, meanwhile I should have been hiding the world from you because they weren't ready for your greatness. Even though I know I probably wouldn't be allowed beyond the foot of the heavens gate, I'm glad I was opportune to have tasted it having been with you. You see you need not worry whether you are enough for anyone because I can assure you, You are more than enough for everyone and anyone that sees it otherwise doesn't deserve to have you in their life. It was an honor to have you in mines. Even though it wasn't as long as we had anticipated it was spectacular, and you were and always will remain my one true love and I'm sorry for not being able to keep to my end of the promise I made to you. We had our time to dance and it was wonderful but perhaps it is time for another man to have a dance, and who knows I may just be the one to have the last. But one thing I do know for sure is one day whether it be in this life or the next I would be able to fulfill  that promise I made to you those years ago. It would be cruel to hold on to you so I let you drift away into the ocean that way you would have no past but only a future. All I can do now is wish you the best in all your endeavors till I'm able to fulfill that promise.Happy birthday my love stay safe.
                                                             Yours sincerely,

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