Black beard

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Black beard drenched in the blood of his victims slowly begins to realize why he was bounded by chains and deemed a beast by the civilians. Black beards breath had reeked of undiluted thick blood, his clothes torn to pieces and the small pieces that remained on him had gone from a pure white to a dirty brown stained with blood. Blackbeard realized the only friends he had seemed to have made over the centuries he had roamed the earth were the scars on his body and the guilt on his mind. They followed him everywhere he went. Like a man running away from his own shadow his attempts of escaping it was futile. Black beard having not remembered the moments of the last few hours than realized he had blood on his hands. He immediately began to try and wash the blood off his hands in fear, but no matter how much soap or how long and hard he scrubbed it the blood didn't seem to go away. Blackbeard flustered at his very own reflection in the mirror than proceeded  to shatter the mirror with his fist. The excruciating pain then tended to seem somewhat familiar to him, the scars on his fist now was of his own making rather than his enemies. Blackbeard the. Clenched to the floors and got and his knees and prayed to God to deliver him from this insatiable beast that dwells within him with this appetite that never seemed to be satisfied. But God had shunned him a long time ago, leaving him to deal with this ferocious beast by himself. Blackbeard cried and cried for help  but everyone that saw him ran away out of fear of getting hurt.

If we sacrifice everything what would remain for us at the end of the tunnel. Blackbeard slowly began to realize in order  find his way out of this cold dark tunnel he would have to sacrifice his humanity. All the values that made him humane and loved in the real world he would have to give up to survive the fierce conditions of the dark tunnel. But to what extent? When will the world have finally taken enough from Blackbeard to atone for his past sins?

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