Flightless Bird

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Hello love, Today I'll be telling a tale. One of which you've never heard before. Unlike the tales you've heard prior to this. This one comes with no happy ending. But a letter. A letter to a flightless bird locked away in a giant castle in a far away land. Tethered by a mere string that it could easily snip off with its beak. But it can't and it won't because if it does the vultures,  the falcons, the hawks will be for its neck. So tell me young bird what good are wings when you cannot fly? What good are legs when you cannot run? What good is a heart when you cannot love.  People say it's cruel to lock a bird in a small cage but I think what is cruel is when you lock a bird in a big cage and deceive the bird that it can truly fly whilst it isn't even scrapping the brim of its true potential.

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