Grimm Reaper

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You see on June 16th 1982, I was supposed to die. But for some reason I managed to scape through and hold on to my humanity. You see this be not the first time I cheated death. In my life this had been the third time I evaded death with each time death having me closer to his grasps than the last. I'm pretty sure the Grimm Reaper would be paranoid as hell not being able to take my soul to the great abyss. But this time the Grimm Reaper didn't let me go Scott free. The Grimm Reaper having been angry that I had yet again escaped the grasps of his scythe then proceeded to send his younger sister to go to the land he was not permitted to step foot in. Deaths Junior sisters name was Karma and Karma was a bitch. She hit me harder than anyone had ever hit me in my life in fact harder than anyone even in my afterlife. And I'm sure as day that death was laughing in his domain whilst sharpening his scythe waiting for his junior sister Karma to push me over the edge into his kingdom in order to finally snatch my unclaimed soul.

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