Jurisdictional theives

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They came in the night like thieves and raided the place of all our means to write the only thing keeping my sanity in check, but to think it could get worst. In the morning they straight up violated us taking our underwear and slippers leaving us to remain like wild boars with our balls dangling out. The food they fed us before was little but now they reduced it even more and crushed sedatives into it to weaken us and prevent us from fighting back. They gave us no spoons and forced us to feed like wild animals with our hands and Reffered to us as if we were beast. On my arrival I could see another inmate cry out for help asking the officer to take him to hell the officer than replied with a smile on his face "Your already in one" but it was true we were already in the governments very own version of hell, isolated away from society like we had been infected with a contagious disease. Forced to be surrounded be surrounded by the voices of mad men screaming as they slowly lost their tether to humanity. But contrary to atheist belief their is a God and God has a sense of humor. Shortly after my arrival I met a man whom looked like Jesus walking on his bare feet. He was put under suicide watch. The government had feared he would take his own life to atone for our sins Which the government didn't want because it would stop them from stealing in plain sight. This man later approached me and said by dusk I shall get you and some of your followers out of here under the condition that I protect one of his own. So we made a pact and by dusk the man whom looked like Jesus told me to ask God for strength which I did and like that me and the man whom looked like Jesus stormed through all the officer with our men breaking their barriers giving them the very good they forced us to eat spraying them with pepper as we marched out like kings.

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