Butterfly Effect

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A crazy mathematician called Edward Lorenz once said that something as small as the flutter of a butterflies wings could cause chaos to break loose halfway across the world. He was right. In fact, it didn't have to be halfway across the world. In my scenario, it was 5 blocks away and it was no freaking butterfly that caused the world around me to crumble. Nope, it was something dumber. It was me not wanting to wear a freaking condom! I had enough problems with dumb gullible blonde Ashley. Yeah, she was a good fuck, but I wouldn't put her in the category of the brightest of human beings. At the time I believed it was love because what else could have made me stay with someone who had an IQ level approximately a little bit higher than a 6th grader. But the Corinthians taught me something love is patient, love is kind so I waited for her to get a little bit brighter but one thing the Corinthians failed to inform me is love also makes you horny. Normally I would have taken my regular precautions and brought a condom with me but this day I was feeling lucky. Even though Ashley probably couldn't find the square root of 49, Ashley did know how to find my cock. And in her mouth is where I belonged, and one would think she was a sculptor with the way she moved her hands around my manhood. But what led to my world tearing apart wasn't her hands it was her vagina. When I'm in her I feel warmth and I still believe there is a special section in heaven where God builds vaginas and one day if you're lucky like I am you will happen upon the vagina that was built for you. You scratch my back and beg me to go faster and I do for you. You scream into my ears saying you want all of me. So I give it to you just the way you like it and when I'm about to burst that's when you tell me I shouldn't stop. So, of course, I don't stop but another thing also doesn't stop, the flow of my hot cum going into your body and that's how it all fell apart. Now I'm expected to welcome an Ashley 2.0 into the world by May and now I AM FUCKED!

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