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Fukiba, Teacher Leo and Lily continue on the street.
Fukiba walks along, looking around, as this is his first time outside.
After what must have been an hour's walk, Leo, who is walking at the front, stops.

''With a distance like this, we can train in magic.

We turned off the road and walked through a grassland area.

'We'll practice here,'
Leo, you have to eat first.

The sun was up in the middle of the day, due to the extra time spent in the Adventurer's Guild.

'Right. Let's eat and then train.

Leo takes out three lunch boxes from her backpack.

''I had my lunch box made at the inn where I usually stay. The food here is delicious.

''Yeah. The food at the Wyvern Green Pavilion is excellent.

Lily agrees."

'That's going to be fun!
Eat until you're too full, so you don't get stuck.

With that, he hands me my lunchbox.
When I open the lunchbox, there are several sandwiches in it.
I take a bite of one.

'This is really good,'

As Fukiba begins to eat vigorously, Lily magically pours water into a cup and hands it to him.

'If you eat in a hurry, you'll choke.'
Thank you, Lily.

I take a glass and pour the one I had in my mouth.

'Lily can use water magic, so it's convenient. I can only use magic for fire magic and my strength. That's why my main focus is on swordsmanship.

......- Leo is a brainiac.
Shut up!

'Good combination,' Fukiba chuckled.

'Well then, it's time for us to train.
'Yes!! Teacher Leo.
"Fukiba. We'll start with fire magic. Hit the rocks out there.

He pointed to a rock about twenty Five meters away.

'I understand. Teacher Lily.

Fukiba is poised and holds his right hand out in front of him.

"Fireee Magic.

 A Fire magic about a meter long is launched.

'Next, Waterball.'


Another waterball about a meter long is launched.

'Next, earth magic.'

" Sniper Bullets.

A small rock appears and flies towards the rock, hitting it and bouncing it.
The wind also goes from the palm of your hand to the rock.

I have no problem with elementary magic. I'd like to see the rest of the intermediate magic. You can do whatever you want.

"Rock Magic.

A few rock piles rise up from in front of the rock.

''I'll try using fire magic next.

A firewall.

It creates a wall 7 meters high and 10 meters wide. It lands on the rocks like a wave.

It's hard to believe he's five years old. It's the same intermediate level, but the power is completely different.
Absolutely. It's crazy to be able to use intermediate level magic at the age of five. And it's a lot more powerful than you think.
Do you feel any sluggishness in your magic?

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