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Right now, Fukiba is sitting on the sofa in the reception room in the royal castle.
There is no one in the room. Outside the door, though, a maid who works at the royal castle is waiting for him.
I don't understand the meaning of making a single five-year-old child wait in this room.
Earlier, a few butlers and maids appeared, and they suddenly stripped me of my clothes, measured my body size, and made me change into a new nobleman's uniform.
The reason being that, as expected, they couldn't have an audience with the king in their traveling nobleman's clothes.

This audience, it is true that we defeated thirty orcs and goblins to saved the princess and Duke Hiro.

I'm sure the knights told you what happened, so what is there to talk about now?

As I was thinking about various things, there was a knock on the door and a person in a butler's uniform came in.

''Young master Fukiba, please prepare for your audience.

'Oh, um, ...... I don't even know how to get an audience.

It is true that an audience with a five-year-old is very rare. When you enter the audience chamber, please go straight to the end of the carpet, kneel down on one knee, put your hands on your chest and bow your head. After that, I will call out to you on a moment-by-moment basis, so I'm sure you won't mind.

Thank you.

Fukiba thanked the butler for his polite instruction.

''Let's go then.''

Okay. Nice to meet you.

He continues down the hallway and is made to stand in front of a large door.
The door opens and you move forward. On either side were people who seemed to be noblemen, lined up on either side. Of course, his father, Jake, is also in line.
Advancing to a break in the carpet, Fukiba gets down on one knee and bows his head.

'Face up,'

His Majesty's voice came from the front.
I look up as I was briefed earlier. His Majesty sat on the throne in front, with the Queen and her children standing around him. Of course, the Third Princess, Valentina, was also lined up. Tina is smiling while looking at Fukiba.
His Majesty, seated on the throne, is dressed in fine clothes and wearing a crown like a king. He has blond hair and looks to be in his fifties, but he seems to be working out, with a solid body and a beard.
From the side, a man in his fifties or so with white hair came out. It's the vizier I heard you talk about earlier.

''Your Highness Princess Valentina and Young master Hiro have just been attacked by a pack of fifty orcs and goblins.

The nobles in the audience room all buzzed at the content.

Then Fukiba Hanes Shino jumped into the deathtrap and killed thirty orcs single-handedly. After his defeat, he healed his wounded knights with magic and brought back his deceased knights to the capital.
When they heard that he had killed thirty of them by himself, more nobles in line made a noise.

''I will give you a reward there. Your Majesty, please take care of them.''

The Prime Minister finished his explanation.
The King nodded.

Fukiba Hanes Shino, you have done an excellent job. If it were not for you, neither Valentina nor Duke Hiro would have survived. I hereby anoint Fukiba Hanes Shino as Baron. And I give him ten platinum pieces of gold and a house in King's Landing.

The nobles in line make another round of noise. It's louder than before.
From among the noisy nobles, one noble stepped forward. He was shaking his fat body.

 Adventure And Reincarnated to a Aristocracy: and become Apostle!!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang