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His Majesty Alex wanted to summon me at the castle. It's still early in the morning and I'm still tired after of Deput Party but...

The messenger told me I should go to the castle immediately.

Normally you'd have some time to prepare once you were called, right? But it seems that the messenger was told to say "Don't worry about small details and come at once" by His Majesty Alex.

Having no other choice, I got into the messenger's carriage and departed to the castle.

After being guided to the castle, I sat down in the usual reception room and waited.

I was served the same tea as always, yet it was still delicious. Should I make a couple of sweets as a thank you for the next time I come?

After a while, His Majesty and the Prime Minister entered the room

I quickly stood up from the chair and bowed.

[Fukiba, I kept you waiting, I had to accompany an annoying guy. It wasn't easy to get out.]

[Since I was able to have a delicious tea, I had a good time]

His Majesty took his usual seat, and the Prime Minister sat down next to him.

[First of all, the house mansion that will be handed over to you has already been decided. Originally, it was owned by a Margrave family, but since they committed one crime after another such as tax evasion, embezzlement,and slavery, they demolished it and confiscated it all. Now the house is in the control of the royal family. So when I decided to give you the house, that Matthew guy kept pestering me and as such, it took a long time]

That Marquis Matthew family again? Such a troublesome son and parent.
(TL: the Kuda Trading Company)

[But well, since I had made my mind, there was no problem. The place where it is located will be convenient for you, as the school you will attend and the castle will be close by. You can later get a map from Serapin. Now we're done with our business. Then, let's do it]

His Majesty says so as he puts the chess on the table.

[Andrew's pretty strong guy, so if I play with the creator, which is you, I'll get a little stronger too, won't I]

His Majesty is completely hooked.

We started stealing each other's chips, one after the other.

[Ah, if you put it there, I'll steal the corner. Look]

[AAah!!! You!!! Show some mercy to your King!]

[Your Majesty, didn't you want to get experience so you could become a little stronger?]

[Hmm. Then, here]

The King and a five-year-old boy are having a serious game of Chess. Prime Minister Serapin sighed as he watched them.

After playing almost two hours of Chess, His Majesty left the place saying he had another meeting to attend.

[Young fukiba, sorry about His Majesty. These are the map and key to the mansion. The butler's position is being advertised now, so I'll let you know when it's been decided. I'll dispatch a few young maids from the castle. But first let me apologize, after all, the previous person's furniture was left behind but you can do whatever you want with it, also clean your mansion because it's been years that house that no one cleaning it.

[Thank you, Prime Minister Serapin. Is it perhaps big enough to need butlers and maids?]

[It's not as big as the Margrave Jake's mansion, but it has a good size. It's important to hire people when you become a nobleman. After all, you have to spend money to keep the economy going.  Well, I suppose there's no point in talking about it now to a five-year-old. I'm sure you'll be called upon by His Majesty to keep him company again. When that happens, I'm entrusting you with it, please]

 Adventure And Reincarnated to a Aristocracy: and become Apostle!!Where stories live. Discover now