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              *CREATE MAGIC*

Fukiba spent his free time to creating creation magic.

The new magic is like this.

'World Map'.
Display a map in your field of vision and see the the past history.


the ability to predict or the action of predicting what will happen or be needed in the future.

'Thunder Speed'.

the user forms a pair of boots out of lightning. Sparks of electricity can also be seen when the boots are in use, and such as jumping power and speed.

'Mother earth'.

Fukiba can summons multiple golems that consist solely of earth from underfoot.

'Parallel Thinking'.
Different things can be processed simultaneously.

The ability to process different things simultaneously.
»You can move instantaneously to a place you think of in your mind. Only once can use.

Creative Creation (Making)
The material is transformed into the shape of the image. If the material is not available, he uses magic to create it.

Compound Magic
You can combine multiple elemental magic by parallel thinking.

The four-elemental magic can now be used up to the super grade.
I'm sure you'll be able to find a lot of people in the world who can use it.
There are only a few people in this world who can use the super grade as well. Moreover, due to the amount of magic, they can only use it once.

Near the territorial capital, when I tried advanced magic once, a roaring sound and a pillar of fire seemed to be visible from the outer wall of the territorial capital, and there was a big commotion.
Teacher Leo and Lily told me that no more than advanced magic was allowed.

''Fukiba's advanced magic is not at an ordinary level. It's dangerous if you're not careful.''

On days when he's not training, he's exploring the depths of the demon forest, using a time-space magic 'transference' that he hasn't spoken about yet.
Of course, he fights demons in secret. Even if you don't register as an adventurer, you can still buy and sell materials, but as expected, you can't produce demons in the depths of the forest. It is planned to die in the item box for the time being.

Right now, Fukiba is standing eights of kilometers away from the depths of the demons. There are no trees around. The entire area is a burned out area, spreading out several hundred meters in a circle.

When it's time to go to bed at night, I sneak out of my room and use "Teleport" to come to the base to train my magic.
I'm sure you'll be able to find a good deal more information on this.

I broke out in a cold sweat if I did this near the territorial capital.
I've been told by Lily to limit it to intermediate level magic because there would be a big fuss if I used large-scale magic in front of the people.

''In a little while, I have to go to the royal capital, so I guess I'll take a break from magic training and Swords training. It's the deadline for Teacher Leo and Teacher Lily request, so I'm going to miss them a bit.''

I'm grateful for all the help you've given me, and I want to give you a present. (Fukiba)

I'm sure you've heard teacher Leo say she wanted a bag magic. It's a good idea to make one just in case you can use space-time magic.

With that, he took out two red and black demon leathers from the item box.

''I'm imagining teacher Leo in Black and teacher Lily in Red. It's easy to use, so I'd prefer something like a waist pouch.

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