author's note

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Is it better to have loved and lost, than to have not loved at all?

Is it better to feel the pain, to give it all for something, someone, who you know you cannot have? For a relationship, a love you know will end in tragedy?

I sometimes wonder this question myself, and in actuality I do not really know the answer. Sometimes, there is no answer, only the unfathomable pain of reality.

I'll be frank, this story does not have a happy ending. 

It is not meant to.

This story is meant to show the cruel patterns of circumstance, and wonder if we can actually defy fate, or if reality is too much to overcome, no matter how much or how badly you want it to change.

So then that begs the question.

Is it better to live within a fantasy?

Or accept the reality you have been provided?




4 . 14 . 2022

- Maple

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