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There are some loves that aren't meant to be.


Perhaps that was our love.

A cruel twisted fate for us to meet, but never truly given the chance to love.

I look at him now as I walk down the aisle, the bride clinging tightly to my arm. He makes no move to meet my eyes, his gaze fixated on her. In all her beauty and grace, I want to believe that he is able to love her. I want to trust that he will hold her and reassure her that she is his. I want any sign or consolation that I made the right choice. That they will be happier in my absence, that they will rule the kingdom with the might and grace I know they are capable of.

But it's the look on his face, the glazed over emptiness of his eyes, the empty smile playing upon his lips that reminds me...

She may be solely his and his alone.

But he will never be hers. 



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