⨷Chapter 15

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"The yule ball has been a tradition of the tri-wizard tournament since its inception. On Christmas eve night we and our guests gather in the great hall for well-mannered frivolity. As representatives of the host school, I expect each and every one of you to put your best foot forward, and I mean this literally because the yule ball is first and foremost... a dance."

Groans erupted from the boys as McGonagall announced the yule ball while the girls appeared excited. Azalea wasn't paying attention to the professor; she was busy searching for a spell which would help her breathe underwater for an hour and being quite aware of a certain platinum blonde glaring at her. Snape had turned him yesterday, after she had her fun. Since then, he had been death glaring at her. She wouldn't admit but he looked cute in as a ferret. She almost had the mind to make him a ferret for eternity and keep him with her, but he hated her and couldn't stop biting and hissing at her. The asshole had even teared her potion assignment to bits and sat on it, proud of himself. She studied him, blonde hair falling on his face, an expression of disinterest in the current events. She saw him wink at a Hufflepuff girl, who blushed and looked away. Typical Malfoy.

"...The house of Godrick Gryffindor has commanded the respect of the wizard world for nearly ten centuries. I will not have you in the course of a single evening besmirching that name by behaving like a babbling, bumbling band of baboons."

"Try saying that five times faster." She heard Fred whisper to George. She chuckled as the other twin attempted to say it faster and ended up saying gibberish.

"...Now to dance is to let the body breathe, inside every girl a secret swan slumbers longing to burst forth and take flight."

"I wonder what's inside you, McClivert. A dementor..."

"-wanting to suck the souls of these poor little children."

"- and happy people." The twins mocked. "Shut up, you two. There's not a dementor inside me."

"Inside every boy a lordly lion prepared to prance" McGonagall noticed Draco flirting with the Hufflepuff girl. "Mr Malfoy, would you please come here." Wolf whistles followed him as he made his way to the professor. She looked over to the girls, "now who would like to join." All the eagers sat up, eager to dance with him, it was no secret that many girls fawned over him. The professors' eyes met with azalea's and she smiled. Azalea sank further into her seat, not wanting to be noticed. No, not me.

what have i ever done to you, minie?. She never prayed so hard as she did now. Don't make me dance with him. She couldn't bear to see him smirk. "miss McClivert, please join Mr Malfoy here." She banged her book on the bench, and reluctantly got up.

"now, hand on her waist." Draco placed his hand on her waist. "You would be feeling so honoured right now, McClivert." He smirked. She scoffed, "what can I say, I'm fighting the urge to hex you." He raised his brow, as if challenging her. They both were made to go to dance classes, courtesy of their well reputed families.

"don't dare to step on my feet." He glared at her.

"I have been doing this from the moment I could walk."

They immersed themselves into the dance and simply gazed at each other. No snide comments were passed, just a simple gaze. But even that emotionless gaze was enough to stir something in them. Something they both were unaware of. Something like electricity, flowing through their hands. His hatred seemed to be vanishing and the voices in her head were fading along with the professor's voice telling them to follow the steps. It didn't matter, they were doing their own dance, their own steps in their own music.

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