Chapter 3: Back in Captive

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Back at the colony, Fry was checking out the lifeboat ship and discovered it needed power sources to be able to take off.

"No juice. It looks like it's been laid up for years. But we might be able to adapt it to the--" Fry says as she walks out of the ship towards Johns, who looks deep in thought.

"Shut up!" Johns harshly cuts her off and listens. But all he could hear was the wind whistling around them. "Sorry, I thought I heard something." He apologizes.

"Like what?" Ally asks as she walks up to them with curiosity.

Johns looks around, wondering if his ears were playing tricks on him but his gut was saying otherwise.

"Gunshots." He says.

Ally looks at him with worry, "Do you think...?"

"We're heading!" Johns says. "Imam!" He calls out and begins to pace out towards the trail they came from.

While the others were trying to make it back to the crash site by foot, Zeke was trying to do the proper thing and bury the survivor with the rest in the hole he created for the fallen passengers. He drags the body towards the hole, but frowns when he sees the tarp has been messed with. He yanks it away and sees another hole leading further in the ground. As if the ground was hollow or maybe he struck a mine. He felt the need to check it out.

With Shazza, Jack, and Paris still at the container and the others rushes back, they all jump at the sound of Zeke screaming and gunshots going off. Shazza snaps to her feet in terror and races towards the screams. Ally picks up speed, ignoring everyone yelling at her to stop. She needed to make sure Jack was ok.

When the screams and gunshots stop, Shazza reaches the hole where Zeke was digging and snatches the tarp away. To her horror, blood was spilled everywhere. And Zeke was gone.

"ZEKE!" She screams and snaps her head up as she sees movement before her. To her horror, there stood Riddick...with a shive in his hand. She gasps and slowly rises to her feet. Riddick turns and runs away.

As Riddick races to get away, Johns manages to ambush him and trip him. He kicks his side once he's down. Riddick struggles to fight, but Johns knew his weakness. Snatching off Riddick's goggles, he delivered hard punches as Riddick tries to block the bright light that was nearly blinding him.

"Piece of shit!" Johns growls and continues to punch him over and over till Shazza runs to join in.

"What did you do to Zeke?" She snarls and punches Riddick in the face, "What did you do to him?" She screams and Jack comes to hold her back. "Just kill him. Just somebody...goddamn kill him before he--" She kicks him in the face.

Before Shazza could kick him again, Ally comes running, "Stop it! Just stop it! He's had enough!" She yells.

Panting with rage, Shazza sobs for her lost loved one but still continues to give Riddick death glares.

Panting heavily, Ally turns and looks down at Riddick as he covers his eyes, blocking the bright sun as he pants.

"Motherfucker!" Johns snarls and bends down to yank him up to his feet, dragging him back to the ship and locks him up deep below. Shackling him against pipes.

After a while, Johns comes out and rubs his face with a deep sigh.

"Did he say anything?" Fry walks up to him.

"Nothing helpful. Any luck with finding Zeke's body?" He asks.

Shazza sniffles and swallows back tears, "No. No sign of him. Wherever he hid his body..." She couldn't finish her sentence.

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