Epilogue: Welcome Home

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⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ This is the final chapter of Wonderful Beauty for the Beast.  Also this is the last smut scene, so as usual, no one under 18 should read this part.  You have been warned.  Hope you'll enjoy this ending I have for Riddick and Ally.

5 years later...

Ally was numb.  For five years, she couldn't feel anything.  When she, Kyra, Imam, and Riddick all escaped that horrible planet, barely survived the clutches of the man-eating raptors, they managed to get picked up by friendlies. 

Just as Ally got off the ship, she was shocked to watch the skiff take off...with Riddick driving.  Why did he leave her? All that sweet talk about keeping what was his? Yet...he left her.  She heard rumors about him for years. He was hunting but no one knew what...or who. 

Imam settled in New Mecca like he said. He found a wife...and had a child. A daughter.  But a year ago, Ally heard that New Mecca was destroyed by the Necromancers. Imam was killed.  His wife and daughter managed to escape.

Thankfully, Ally and Kyra never settled in New Mecca. The universe was their home. But, most of all, they wanted Riddick back. So, they searched for him for years. Till Kyra decided to split to widen the search. Mainly, she was on a personal mission.

A week after, Ally discovered that her sister was taken to Crematoria, the prison moon. The worse slam to be in.  She knew Kyra would never do something terrible enough to be thrown in that place. But...she remembers how much of an influence Riddick was to Kyra. She remembers how Riddick got his eyes and how Kyra constantly asked about them. When Riddick left, Kyra didn't take Riddick's departure well, but no worse than how Ally felt. To be apart from her mate was something that no words could describe. The pain numbed her heart.

When rumors spread to her ears again, she learned that Riddick was thrown in the same slam. Ally's heart cracked further beyond repair.  She feared for Kyra and Riddick.

Weeks later, the worse news was delivered to Ally.  The Lord Marshall finally took the only person Ally cared and loved.  Her sister.  Ally cried for days when she heard that the Necromancers have killed Kyra. Afterwards, when she finally stopped crying...she learned that Riddick has killed the Lord Marshall.  One morning she found herself laughing. She wasn't in shock how great it felt to learn that her nightmare was dead. Maybe now her parents...and Kyra will finally find peace.

But sadness rushes back to Ally's heart. She was alone.  No family. It was just her.

Right there, Ally made it her mission to find her home planet...and Riddick. It took her a few months to find Furya. Everyone warned her how the system was unstable and rumors of it being cursed was mentioned. Ally couldn't help but think...it's the perfect hiding place for Riddick. No one would dare to go there. 

When Ally arrived at the Furyan system, the people weren't kidding about it being unstable. It was harsh to land her ship, but Ally managed to settle safe and sound. 

Systems declared the air was breathable, no toxins. But some parts of the planet suffered from tidal wave of geological forces that fluctuate, creating a harsher environment and forcing any lifeform populace to adapt. But Ally managed to land on the southern part of the planet. When Ally took her first step outside. She was welcomed by warm air. Grass. A view of mountains, lakes.  She could see wildlife.  After years of no human inhabitants, it's not surprising that wildlife took over.

It took Ally almost a year to build her life on Furya. She built her cabin home from scratch. The blood, sweat, and tears were worth it when she took a step back to admire her work. The worse part of the process was getting the plumbing to work but she figured it out after 6 months.

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