Chapter 7: Escape the Night

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After everyone agreed to back out there...into the darkness, they gathered everything they had to make the trip towards the wreckage. Since Fry carried the torch, she led the way and protected everyone while Johns and Riddick were behind.

Fry opens the cargo door, shoving the torch out first and uses it to find the stone steps to lead everyone out. She uses her upper body to shove the sliding door wider and sees the steps. One at a time, everyone exits the cargo hold.

"Stay close." She whispers as she leads everyone towards the ship.

Johns walks out with his shotgun and light, scanning the skies and surroundings.

Ally paces with Jack to keep up, both of them looked all around, fearing that the creatures will pop out of the darkness any second.

"Ally." Jack whimpers.

"Don't let go." She whispers as she holds his hand tight.

Riddick paces to be close to her, scanning the darkness. He knew they were out there. Hunting them and waiting for the right moment to strike.

As they finally reached the wreckage, Fry holds her hand up to stop everyone, "Wait." She walks up to the broken entrance and uses the torch to look inside. She couldn't see much, so she backs away and turns, "Riddick." She calls.

Riddick walks towards the wreckage, but gently pushes Ally away in case of anything. He walks closer till he was right there and lifts his goggles off his eyes. He scans around the darkness, searching every corner he could see. So far so good, he didn't see the creatures.

He looks over his shoulder, "Looks clear." he says.

Johns moves up and walks past Riddick to go inside first, holding his gun close to him. But once he shines his light inside. A creature pops out of the shadows.

Everyone yells and ducks; Riddick turns quickly and grabs Ally, pulling her to take cover. The creature shrieks and flies away.

Johns glares at Riddick, "You said 'Clear'.

Riddick glares back at him, "I said 'It looks clear'." He argues.

Johns scoffs, "What's it look like now?" He asks.

Riddick lifts his head and looks around inside, he turns back and shrugs at Johns, "Looks clear."

Ally sighs and rolls her eyes, dropping her head in relief against his arm, "Oh, Jesus."


Finally, inside the wreckage, no one wasted any time to fine any source of light. Fry, Imam, Riddick, and Johns were yanking off the optic cords off the walls of the ship and removes the large battery that connects to all the cords. It was enough to wrap lights around everyone. Paris was preparing his liquor bottles to make bottle torches as back up. Ally runs around the ship towards where Fry said where the flares were located and emergency lights.

Paris grimaces that his liquor was going to be wasted so he takes one last swirl but spits out the rest into the torch, testing the flammability. A huge fireball is made once the liquor hits the flame.

Imam and Suleiman used parts from the wreckage to make a sled and begins to load it up with the power cells and the large power battery along with the optic cords.

Ally was tying ropes through the holes as Fry and Riddick were walking around them with Riddick telling them all what he'll be doing and for them not to stagger behind because this is a once chance trip and they must listen to him.

Jack moves to sit next to Ally and ties the cords to make them more suitable to carry, "Here, Ally." He hands her a zip tie.

"Thanks." She says and takes it as she holds a strap with her teeth.

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