Chapter 8:

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We finished our very awkward dinner, and went back to the hotel room. But Niall was in a bad mood, because of that stupid waiter. He had decided not to switch sections, and kept staring at me all night, honestly a little creepy.

Since we were obviously not gonna do anything tonight, I decided to give my best friend a visit.

I took Zayn four knocks to answer the door, and still when he reached the door he didn't have a shirt on. I had never really realized how fit he was, until now. All of his tattoos were very clear when you get to see all of them.

"Hey Elizabeth, what do you need?" He asked kindly, with a smile.

"Just came to visit my best friend." I innocently smiled back at him.

"Oh, sure, come on in!" He motioned excitedly for me to come inside while moved slightly allowing me to come through the door way.

We talked for a good two hours, I complained about Niall, and he just sat there listening to all my crap holding me making me feel safe and comforted.

When I had finally finished my rant, Zayn held my face in his hands, and looked me deeply in the eye.

"Zayn, w-what are y-you doing?" I stuttered as he started to lean in.

He answered by running his thumb across my cheek, and gently placing his lips to mine. It was a weird feeling, having his lips on mine. When it finally got through to me what was actually happening, I was already kissing him back, surprisingly enjoying the kiss, well more like make-out now! His tongue glided across my lower lip begging for entrance, while my hands found their way to his neck. Right as I allowed him entrance, he started to lay me down onto the bed. When the door opened, we pulled away and there stood a shocked, and angry Niall, with his mouth hanging right open.

"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!" He screamed waking through the doorway, towards me and Zayn.

" Niall, please, calm down." I begged slowly pushing Zayn off of me by his chest.

"What ever!!!" Niall screamed running out of the room, furious you could see the fire raging in his once beautiful blue eyes.

I hoped off Zayn's bed chasing him down the hallway. I hope he listens to me that kiss meant nothing, He is the one I love!!! Wait did I just say I loved him, wow! I guess my head clears in panic, that's ever happened before and now he's gone. I need to get him back....

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