Chapter 10 "Please?"

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Lizz P.O.V.

Well I guess that was it I mean he packed my stuff and threw it out of our- I mean his room. He really mad honestly I think he's over reacting, I mean it's not like we had sex. We were just kissing, and he goes and breaks up with me. Man that boy confuses me 'cause then he says he don't care. I mean come on make up your mind you yell and then you just move on and say you don't care. Ok well now he's healed, and I'm still broken.

I walked to the one guy's room who really understood me, and knocked lightly on his door. Thank god he answered, AND he was alone (if you know what I mean). He had obviously been sleeping, I watched as he rubbed his eyes and stared at me utterly confused.

"Hey Curly.." I choked out as I began to sob.

"Hey, Liz, what's wrong? Don't cry. Come on in ok?" He said sweetly grabbing my bags and dragging me and my things inside.

He sat me down on his bed, and those emerald green eyes locked with mine as he wiped away my tears with his thumb, slowly caressing my cheek.

"Hey, what happened, come on what's wrong?" He asked starting to sound a little worried. I just continued to cry.

"Who did this? Was it Niall? Did one of the boys play a stupid prank? Are you hurt? Why do you have your bags? WHAT IN THE BLOODY HELL HAPPENED?!?!" He asked getting slightly anxious.

"OH MY GOD!!! Calm down will ya? Niall kicked me out." I stated shyly, hoping he wouldn't ask anymore questions. Oh, but ladies and gentlemen good old Harry Styles knew me all to well.

"Why'd he kick you out I know Niall he wouldn't kick you out for no reason, he isn't that stupid. Unless.... all that Nando's has finally cut of the circulation to his brain and its slowly turning him into and idiot who kicks out beautiful, fantastic girls for no damn reason. Oh no! Poor Nialler!" He winked flirtingly at his stupid comment.

"Oh god, I see your still the same old Harry. Never gonna change, yeah?" I asked.

"Yup, pretty much!" He said causing me to scoff.

"Oh come on don't act like you don't love it." He smirked.

"Oh come on, you know I love you." I said and looked at his pouting face.

"I don't know you could be faking it. You only have one way to prove you love me." He said while a devious little smirk made it way onto his adorable, yet annoying face.

"Oh yeah, what's that Curly?"

"Oh I don't know you could always give me a kiss?" He said like more of a question.

Oh the good old Curly still trying to get that kiss out of me. You see when we first met Tommo dared Harry to get me to kiss him. I found out and ever since Harry's still been trying to get that kiss, mainly 'cause if he gets it Lou will stop freaking out saying Kevin's having a family reunion every time we see a flock of pigeons.

I find it entertaining so why would I want to stop it I mean come on, watching a grown man run around screaming at pigeons making a fool out of himself in public. What's not funny about that?

"Ok, I'll kiss you......if you..."

---------------------------------------------- CLIFFHANGER sorry for all the Niall girls don't worry it will all turn out fine in the end!!! Now I need a ship name for Niall/Liz, Zayn/Liz, and Harry/Liz..... Comment or message me do I can use them in the story. Also if you want to be in the story, let me know and I can add you in, maybe even set you up with one of the boys. So just comment you name and who you want to be dating best friends with or whatever it is you want and I will make it happen, One Way Or Another!!!

Bye love you all!!!

-H.x ❤️

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