Chapter 12:

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After me and Curls finished talking, we both got ready for bed. Thank god Niall remember all of my hygiene products. (Including my makeup! 😆) That way I didn't have to share my best friends toothbrush and shit.

***After we got done***

" Hey Hazz I'm just gonna crash on the couch if that's all right." I said simultaneously grabbing an extra blanket and pillow.

"No, I can take the couch Lizzy." He countered, a sweet tone in his voice.

"No way! You have a bad back remember mister, yoga buff." I smile seeing a slight pink tint form on his cheeks.

That faded away and in came the famous "Harry Styles Smirk". "So do you LizBear."

"We are both way to over protective of each other. Like it's weird." I crack up at Harry trying to hold in his laughter. Which he fails to do, and laughs regardless.

Once he calms down we both stop laughing and the genius boy comes up with a freaking idea.

"Why don't we just share the bed, I mean it's not like we haven't before." He winks and smirks.

"I'm legit going to smack that fucking thing right off your face." I threaten.

"Oh God, what's on my face?!" He chuckles. Good old Harry playin' it innocent.

"That damn smirk you cheeky bastard!" And I'm full on giggling, making my threat as intimidating as a newborn kitten playing with a puppy.


(Yeah, my analogies are weird, Deal!)

***(And we're back)***

He just laughs, and ignores me. Getting on the right side of the bed. I go to the closet to put back all the extra blankets and pillows. When I come back I see Hazza laying smack in the middle of the bed, sprawled out like a body that just fell off a roof top.

"I'm taking you up on your offer, now move over side hoe." I say while shoving him back to the right.

He laughs again. I swear that's the only thing this boy does. The only things that go through his head, I swear....

***Harry's Head***


***Normal People Again YAY!!!***

I crawl under the blankets, and face Harry. His face is flawless, even when that boy got acne, Damn! He throws an arm over my waist, and pulls me into his chest, both of ours touching. I can feel his warm breath on my neck.

"Night "girlfriend", don't tell anyone i think we're way better than Haylor."
He smirks.

I just lean in and give him a light lingering kiss. I mean I owed him one right?

His eyes shoot open, and he stares at me in disbelief, blinking rapidly, breathing fast.

"Wh-what w-was that?"

Aww, I love it when he's all stuttery. (I know it's not a real word, ignore it!)

"I owed you one right?" I smirk and turn around, closing my eyes to fall asleep.

He lets out a breath, and dryly laughs. Simultaneously putting his arm securely back around my waist. Only this time pulling my back into his chest, and kissing the side of my head.

"Night Liz." You could easily hear the smile in his tone.

"Night Haz." I found myself smiling too.

---------------------------------------------- YEAH OK, so it wasn't very long, or "GOOD" but tomorrow afternoon I'm completely free and willing to update. That'll be three days in a row, hallelujah!

ANYWAYS, tomorrow's chapter will be "GOOD" so yeah. See ya, I'm just really tired tonight. LOVE YOU BABES!!!


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