Chapter 11

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"Ok, I'll kiss you........if you....." I was trying to come up with an idea, when lightning struck!

"If I what?" Harry asked with a devilish smirk on his face.

"Only if you go out with me." I say with a sinister smile.

"WHAT?!" Ok well I obviously need to clear the air, and finish my sentence.

" ARE YOU CRAZY?! You and Niall legit just broke things off! And-"

"Would you shut it?!" I cut him off.
He finally stopped talking.

"Thank god! Ok if you let me finish I would have explained that we would only be pretending to date to piss Nialler off! Do you get where I'm coming from now." I asked my shocked curly headed best friend with a smirk.

"Oh....ok! I get it now, what do I have to do?" He asks quizzically, smiling.

"Ok, so all you need to do is-"
---------------------------------------------- OMG!!! I AM SO SORRY GUYS IT TOOK ME SO LONG TO UPDATE I WILL HAVE ONE UP TOMORROW.


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