i NEED you!

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I was currently chasing Niall through the hotel's hallways....

"Niall!!!" He still was NOT slowing down.

"Niall please, it was a stupid mistake!!!" He was still not slowing down, let alone stopping.

"STOP FUCKING RUNNING!!!" I yelled to him stopping dead in my tracks, knowing that if he didn't respond to that we didn't stand a chance. He knows when I feel bad about stuff, I do shit like this.

Thank god he did stop....at first just standing there with his back to me, then slowly turning around.

He smiled, and started walking in my direction. Wow that was surprisingly easy..... I stopped my little happy dance when he started to walk past me stopping for only a second to say,

"Sorry love, but I don't really care." Not only did the words sting a lot, but he said them so sexually, that he made me curious.

I turned watching him as he walked up to a blonde squealing girl, most definitely fangirling. He walked up and slung his arm around her waist,as he did so she composed herself, and wrapped her arms around him. I watched them walk away my jaw nearly on the floor, eyes bulging out of their sockets. When he crushed me by dipping his head down to nibble on her ear. My heart was being ripped to shreds, and the sad thing was I knew I deserved it. Mine was at least not meant to be seen, also I didn't start what happened between me and Zayn.


Shit, I have to let him know that I don't feel the same way about him, even if I wanted to make Niall jealous, I couldn't use Zayn because he actually has feelings towards me, from what I can tell at least.

"Elizabeth, what the hell just happened?" I heard an all to well known British accent whisper from behind me.

I turned to be faced to face with the relationship wrecker himself (but we're we actually ever a couple, I mean We never actually made anything official to say the least.)

"Zayn, listen. I- that can never happen again, why would you do that? Why would you kiss me like that.?I'm sorry but I just don't feel that way about you. You're like a brother to me, and I love you, just not in the way I think you feel about me." I said slowly and drawn out trying not to break his heart.

"I know how I feel about you, and I already knew the way you feel about me, that's the way it's always been. I really just needed to apologize for that. Sadly for a second there when you kissed back I thought you may actually be interested. But, even I could tell it was out of shock, and you didn't even know what you were doing. I'm so so sorry Lizzy." He apologized.

Sincerely, at that, and I knew he wouldn't ever make another move,and he would move on. On that day I would be the happiest I could be for him and whoever was going to make him the happiest man alive.

I was tearing up now, knowing Niall had left me for that blonde bimbo. But I refuse to cry. So I simply responded,

"It's ok." Before Turing on my heel and walking off. Returning to Niall, and I's room to find all my bags outside the door along with a note. Scribbled on the note I read Niall's adorable handwriting.

If you couldn't tell that was my goodbye, if you're screwing Malik, I'm sure he wouldn't mind you SLEEPING in the same room as him. We're done goodbye Liz.

P.S. Her name is Kaytlyn, see you love.

and that was the end we were done he hated my guts, and he has moved on to another random chick. I could no longer control the tears wanting to stream down my face, cascading down my already wet cheeks, but I knew I wouldn't, and I couldn't let him win, I couldn't stay with, stay with Zayn.

There was only one other person that would share a room with me, and understand, and not judge during this whole predicament. Luckily, he wasn't to far, all I know right now is that I really hate this Kaytlyn bitch.


Hey guys, don't worry. Niall, and Lizzy are NOT finished!!! Yet Liz is going to be facing some serious drama, and she'll really learn to hate Kaytlyn for reasons beyond belief....so let's just say Niall and Elizabeth's ship hasn't quite sailed.....completely. New update next Friday/Saturday.

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