Chapter 3: Heian

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Sheira's POV

Across the dusty ground. I crumpled to the earth, my labored breaths coming in ragged gasps. My legs, leaden and unresponsive, had finally given out after what felt like an eternity of fleeing. My heart pounded in my chest like a caged animal, desperate for freedom.

A figure approached. Through my haze of exhaustion, I recognized Yuri. The sight of him brought a measure of relief, but even that wasn't enough to alleviate the bone-deep weariness that clung to me like a shroud.

Yuri crouched beside me, a cup of water in his hand. "Here, have some water. You look like you could use it."

I accepted the cup without a word, the cool liquid trickling down my throat, momentarily easing the dry ache in my mouth.

"Thanks, Yuri," I managed to murmur, my voice hoarse from exertion.

"You've been running for hours, Sheira," he observed, concern etching lines across his face. "You look really worn out. You shouldn't push yourself so hard you know."

I shook my head wearily. "No. It's a punishment for a huge mistake I made. The punishment I've received doesn't even come close to atoning for those lives lost. Considering the consequences of my actions, this punishment is rather lenient. I deserve this. But thank you for your concern."

Yuri reached out and clasped my hand in his. "Of course, Sheira. You're my family. I care about you. I love you."

His words were a balm to my battered spirit, a reminder that amidst the darkness, there was still a glimmer of light.

"I have to report to the commander since I've completed my punishment. You should head back first," I said, willing my exhausted limbs to carry me once more.

"Alright then, take care!" Yuri called after me as I stumbled towards the heart of our camp, the weight of my mistakes heavy upon me.

As I made my way to the commander's room, the weight of the day's events bore down on me. My thoughts swirled with the gravity of the impending meeting, the commander's terse reminder ringing in my ears. I knew that whatever lay ahead demanded my full attention, and the weary ache in my limbs felt like a tangible manifestation of the burden I carried. Every step felt heavier than the last, and the minutes stretched out in a seemingly endless procession.

Finally, I arrived at the commander's room and took a moment to collect myself before stepping inside. The air inside was thick with the scent of candle wax, The place was enveloped in such profound silence that even the faintest whisper of a mosquito's wings slicing through the still air was discernible. I approached the commander, my weariness momentarily forgotten as I braced myself for the exchange to come.

"Excuse me," I began, my voice coming out quieter than I had intended.

"Come in!" the commander's response was brisk, but not unkind.

I entered the room and stood at attention, my gaze unwavering as I spoke. "I've completed my punishment, sir!" I announced, the words feeling hollow in the weight of everything else on my mind.

"Good, go get some rest," the commander's voice carried a note of gruff understanding, and for a fleeting moment, I felt a sliver of gratitude for his acknowledgment of my weariness.

"Thank you, sir!" I replied, the weariness seeping back into my voice as I turned to leave.

The commander's voice halted my retreat. "Don't forget about the meeting tomorrow."

"Meeting?" I echoed, surprised by the unexpected news.

"How slow is the news around here? Yes, a meeting at seven," the commander's brusque tone held no room for further discussion.

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