Chapter 11

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Casper stops laughing at his own joke and turns to look at me

"So after that you just spent time by yourself?" Casper asks

"Pretty much yeah. I went into a stage if depression and stopped eating because I thought I was this imperfect girl that would never be accepted as who I was as a person. We were so different you know? They wanted boy friends so badly and shit. I didn't."

Casper's face slightly dropped at the last part.

"Yeah I kinda figured since you didn't get anything from the canteen..." Casper tried to edge the conversation away from not wanting boyfriends.

Casper seemed concerned about me not eating. More than anyone else has. "Well" he continues "If I had of been at this school last year. I would have been your f-friend"
He stuttered on the word friend for some reason I have no idea why, it was as if he wanted to say something else, or didn't want to say friend. Maybe he doesn't actually want to hangout with me? No I'm over thinking things he wouldn't choose to sit beside me in most subjects if he didn't like me.

I paused and said "I don't know why I'm telling you all this. I havnt even known you that long. But I trust you dearly. More than I have trusted anyone else before..."

Casper's face lit up and he smiled. He was about to say something but was interrupted by the bell.

"Oh..." Casper stopped " never mind let's go to maths shall we?" He tugged at my sleeve.

Casper dragged me by the sleeve down a corridor. "WRONG WAY! "I shout "Go right!" I shout again as he sharply turns to the right down another corridor, dragging me along behind him like a heavy sack of potatoes "Go right again and were at maths" he turns round and pats me on the head. "Good dog, Jess" he laughs.

"I think you need a dog lead yourself. Since your the one who doesn't know their way around school!" I laugh

"Ok, ok. But I got us here right" he smiles

"Yeah. You did" I sigh my defeat and smile at him.

Our maths teacher calls us in and I sit down to another hilarious lesson with Casper.

I never knew Casper or even anyone could be so funny by just doing stupid things and saying even more stupid things. Although Casper was very good at it. He was just so random and crazy almost. Not that kind of crazy were everyone thinks your nuts and belong in a hospital with a straight jacket on, but the funny were even if you having the shittiest day ever. Casper would know how to cheer you up and make you laugh. Well I don't know about the cheering up because I don't know Casper that way just yet but he could definitely be able to make you laugh though.

We walked out of maths with stitches and staggered our way to geography. "Come on Casper I'm bad enough as maths already and now I've got you distracting me!"

"Sorry..." Casper jokes. Pretending to be hurt.

"Aw grow up" I say laughing at his frown and playfully punching his chest. "Were did that happy smile of yours go" I tease

He looks up. "Why should I be happy?" Smirking

"We have geography next. Thanks why" I start laughing. No one likes geography.

Our Geography teacher was the same one as last year. I really like her and she is really funny. Casper still managed to be funnier though. His cute little laugh and his blue eyes glossing over, I could drift away forever I those eyes. Blue as the crystal waters in Florida. You could dive straight in and never come back out...

"Earth to Jess. Come in JESS!" Casper yells. Littlerly dragging me back to earth. I was lost in space. Aka his gorgeous eyes.

"Thought I lost you" Casper chuckled, poking my cheek.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2015 ⏰

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