Chapter 9

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Jess's POV

I look at Casper and he looks at me, his blue eyes are impossible not to look at. Everything around us disappeared as he led me to a empty desk at the corner of the classroom, right at the back... Alone

Brittany turns round and glares at me

Stupid bitch

Anyway Casper asked ME to sit with him. Not her. Science is boring as hell but it's good that Casper kept me entertained my mimicking Dr Smith and drawing funny pictures on his book and having to quickly rub them out because Dr Smith was comeing over to see what we were in fits of giggles about.

When science was over Spanish was next then double maths the whole morning was spent the same way in science, me having to hold my side in stitches of laughter. In Spanish and double maths Brittany stood near Casper and tried to batter her mascara covered eyelashes at him. Casper ignored her and sat with me, it felt great being with someone who actually cared about me.

After a period of maths it was break time, Casper and I walked out side by side out of the classroom into the corridor that hadn't quite filled up with people yet. We must be out early.

"D..D..Do you want to come with me the canteen?" He stutters

I have never heard Casper stutter like this

"I'd love to" I nervously replied I felt my white cheeks blushing at his invitation to go with him to the canteen

We walked to the canteen and I kept seeing him in the corner of my eye, looking at me. with that innocent face of his and those blue eyes I've fallen in love with... As we lined up to get something from the hot food bar for break, I see Brittany sitting with Leah, glaring at me and Casper with hate and jealousy possessing her.

Brittany's POV

"Let's sit here Leah" I point to a empty table,

"What about the table we always sit at? I like sitting there" Leah pouts

"We'll tough I want today, for a change" I snap

I don't want to explain why I choose to sit there but an actual fact is I could see Casper from here in the line I hope he sits near us or even better I'll invite him to sit with me!!!

No! Why is he with that bitch Jess!? This can't be... why does he want to even spend time with her, I don't know why I wanted to spend time with her either. He is saying something... god she's blushing! Is he flirting with her! They both start laughing, there walking together towards a table and they sit down opposite eachother,

"Brittany?" Leah waved her hand infront of my face

"What!" I yell a little to loud a few people glance at me then go back to talking.

"You've been staring at them two for more than 5 minutes" Leah quietly says incase Casper heard "I thought you hated Jess now?"

"I do" I admit

"Then why are you stare..." Leah begins

"I'm not staring I'm just trying to figure out why anyone wants to spend time with her" I ramble "lets go"

I stride past the two of them Leah scampering to keep up with me, Jess whispers something to Casper and he nods looking behind him at me and glaring at me, he looks back at Jess and gives her a smile of sympathy...

I need to something about the two of them

And fast.

Ever lasting love. A Casper Lee fanficWhere stories live. Discover now