Chapter 10

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Jess POV

Casper and I sat down at a table together. Behind him in a table not too far back, I could see Brittany staring at the back at Casper's head, I looked back at Casper

"So why... if you don't mind me asking ... always been alone?" Casper cautiously asked

"We'll you see..." I pause to think of what I'm going to start "were do I start?"

I pauses and thought for a minute, where did it all start...

"Well in first year... I was friends with Brittany, really good friends, you couldn't separate us" I start, "a month maybe two later. Leah moved from Scotland to over here, she lives in the estate we are in, she was desperate for friends... so me and Brittany took her in."

"And what happened next?" Casper's eyes were filled with curiosity

It feels like telling a ghost story, I could tell it over and over again but it won't scare me, it won't affect me anymore. I'm past it.

"We'll then it was the three of us, we did everything together, went down town together, did discos together, went to each others house, I even went to a concert with Leah..."

I remember that concert, my dad took us up to Dublin and it was great singing along to all of our favourite songs. Waving our lights. Taking photos. Having to listen to each other trying to talk on the way home in the car. Our voices lost.

I never really listen to that band anymore they bring back old memories but I still loved the concert. Leah slept over and we had some fun!

"How did Brittany react to that then?" Casper interrupted my thoughts

"Oh she wouldn't let us talk about it at all, like if we mentioned anything remotely close to it she freaked out and shouted at us..." I replied softly remembering the times that we tried talking about it because either of us had been to a concert, especially one are favourite band was performing at.

"She was just incredibly jealous that Leah was ably to go without her tagging along aswell... Tits went up after that really." I sighed "I seemed to piss her off on a regular basis, I couldn't help it. I was not going to be treated like a moron by some 5 foot tall midget who never smiled and if things didn't go her way she would kill all round her"

Casper's eyes were gleaming with interest and curiosity...

"Then why did you end up all on your own?" Casper almost whispered, as if he was in a library

"Well one sad and miserable Monday morning I was talking to Leah, Brittany had not yet arrived into school. Well I told her what I thought and said to her about her taking sides because obviously she had taken Brittany's over mine and she said she would stay with me try to get Brittany to stop being such a bitch. Because friends are not supposed to take sides. However as soon as Brittany stepped round the corner Leah went running over to her and told her what I had been saying"

Now Casper had a look of shock on his face, as if I had told him something terrible like ... I don't know ... new laws say your never to eat pizza again. I could tell he loved pizza because he had picked up two mini ones at the hot food bar when we were getting break. He looked surprised they had them and was more than happy to take them.

Casper swallowed his mouthful of pizza he had in his mouth.

"Jess ... Are you okay?" Casper asked

I wasn't listening I was looking past him. There stood the midget with Leah towering behind her. She flounced over and sat down right beside him. Why is she even here?!?!

"Heyyy Casperrrr" she half said half moaned

Casper had a look of disgust on his face. He stood up and walked to the other side of the table and sat beside me.

Brittany battered her eyelashes

"Oh, am I interrupting something?" She said with such sarcasm

"Yes. You actually are. Go away please" I snapped

"Gosh how rude. I wasn't talking to you little goth freak, I was taking to Casper." She had that look of evil in her. She knew Casper wasn't the mean type to leave anyone out and she hadn't really done anything wrong to him. Casper wouldn't be able to do anything about her because he really is kind hearted.

Although, Casper looked at Brittany as if she was dog muck on his shoe. He opened his mouth to speak to her.

"Well yes" he said "you are interrupting something right now. Go away please"

Brittany stared at Casper. She looked like she had just been slapped in the face.

"Do you know who you remind me of Casper?"

She didn't wait for an answer

"You remind me of my ex, who you think is a great person. But hugs like a dead man and once you get to know him he's horribly boring, so are you. Hanging round this bitch" gesturing to me

Casper was outraged at her calling me a bitch I could tell by his eyes glistening over with anger.

"Well Brittany, do you know what you remind me of? This pizza" he held up the mini school pizza

"Why because your loving it?" She smiled and battered her eyelashes

Casper wickedly smiled back

"No because it's fat and greasy"

Leah burst into giggles and Brittany hit her on arm.

"Come on Jess" Casper whispered. We crept away from the fighting "friends"

"That was a good one back there" I chuckle

"Yea well she is such a slut it is actually funny" Casper laughs "she would be the small blond bitchy girl in high school movies who everyone secretly hates but no one stands up to her"

Funny thing is Casper was right. Brittany's friends all did say things behind her back and make fun of her, she didn't know this though.

On the walk back to maths. Casper turned and asked me,

"If you don't mind me bringing this up again. What happened next with you and Brittany?"

I knew he would ask.

"Well ..." I think for a minute "Where were we?"

Casper thinks then says.

"You were telling me, all the stuff you were telling Leah she made it out like she was on both sides but as soon as Brittany appeared she ran over and told her everything"

Ah yes. He even picked up some stuff I hadn't really mentioned the fact that she made it out that she was on both of our sides but Casper was listening I can tell he has picked up every detail.

"Yea. After that I went up to the both of them and said to Leah about everything we talked about. she just shrugged her shoulders and said about she wanted to spend time with her true friend and that was it. My last hope was gone, she had chosen a side and it wasn't mine."

Casper shook his head

"I didn't really think badly of Leah when I first saw her, just a bit sorry that she has to be near that slut. Although hearing how she turned away from you so quickly makes me think just how much the both of them badly need a slap in the face."

I thought of how much I agreed with Casper. He felt the same way.

"So" I continued telling the story "I just plainly said to Leah then, fine if your going to take sides then go fuck yourself."

Casper burst out laughing.

"Aha she really needs to." He paused to wipe his eye "because no one else ever will" he continued laughing at his own joke "hey sorry for interrupting you, you were saying?"

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