Chapter 2

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As I trailed my empty school bag down stairs and clatter down with my steel toe cap boots my father looks up at me and smiles.

"I thought there was a huge dinosaur coming down the stairs for a minute!"

"Hah hah very funny dad" at least he isn't as bad as my mother...

"Jessica Lions! what are you wearing! you look like a vampire!"

I look at her will sheer hatred and let out a loud groan that sounded like a fat goblin giving birth to a planet.


I don't have the energy or the will to fight her this morning.

I start to make myself packed lunch and ignore my mothers comment, my father pushes a bowl of cereal and some toast towards me. I shake my head but take it anyway, I never eat in the mornings now. I stopped when the shit hit the fan. it's not that I'm starving myself, I just don't feel like eating.

Meanwhile my mother is regretting opening her mouth.

"We'll maybe it's the way you dressed that made your..." her voice slowly cuts of the end of what she was going to say.

Big mistake

"What? the way I dress! finish what you were going to say mother!"

She feels really awful now although she shouldn't of opened her fucking mouth, her fault.

She barely makes out a whisper "I'm sorry it doesn't matter"

My dad just looks at my mother then me and back at my mother.

"Your mother just dislikes the way you dress yourself that's all Jess and you know that she has clearly told you that many times she is just worried that's why Leah and Brittany didn't want to be friends anymore"

I am shocked by my dads speech but fuck did they have to bring them two retards into the conversation?

My mum goes over to the picture cabinet that is stocked with pictures of me as a child. She opens it and takes out one of me in primary 7. We were on holiday at Spain. I was sitting on on a beach towel so I wasn't sitting on the sand, I had a smile painted on my face and I was slightly brown and glowing, my cheeks were a soft pink under the shade of my sun hat. I had a blue and pink tie-dye T-shirt on, denim shorts with blue swirls sewn on, a woven sun hat with purple sandals and sunglasses.

God I looked stupid sitting there in them clothes but even with a half eaten slice of watermelon in my hand and watermelon juice round my mouth but I looked happy... something I hadn't been for a while. you would think that I never experienced happiness in my life. I had it all stopped when I met Brittany.

If I was to die at that moment on that beach I would be fine I would of died happy. But now? If I was to die now... Well it would put to rest the pain I live with every day of my life.

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