Chapter 7

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I stand up and walk over to that fucking cow, I raise my fist

"Wait. Jess ! What are you doing !?!" Brittany yelled

The spark of energy rushes though me like and energy drink when my fist connects with her ugly face

Right in the jaw then the nose

She falls back onto the floor

Oh how I missed the joy of the energy made me swing my leg into her rib cadge and kick

"Ooof" she breathed

I turn and glare at Leah,

"Do you want to add to that?"

"N...No" she stutters glancing down at get friends bleeding nose and whimpers


"Jess ? Oh look she's daydreaming. again" Brittany sneers

I snap out of my thoughts of beating her to death and go back to drawing

"Oh what you drawing ?" Leah peers over my shoulder

She takes a look of the quick sketch of me in the bus with that other boy... only you can't make out his face because I didn't add details

"It's really goo..." Leah started but was cut off by Brittany

"Shit, just like the rest of your art, just like your life"

She flicks her hair and walks over to her seat. Whipping out her mirror out to add more mascara and lipstick. Oh god I hate her so much.

Just as I finish the drawing, I planed to colour it at lunch, our teacher walks in followed by the boy in the bus. So he IS in my class after all. Just someone else for Brittany to flirt with and creep out. I feel sorry for him

"Hello everyone this is Casper, I want you all to treat him nicely he just moved from South Africa."
Mrs "Misery" I mean Mrs M says

"Wait does that not mean he speaks African?" Scotty says a retard in my class who thinks he's funny says

"No it doesn't" Mrs M says, "Casper do you know anyone in this class?"

Casper looks round the class at every one, Brittany puckers her lips and sticks her flat chest out trying to make out she has boobs.

She disgusts me

He stops and stares at me "I know her, she gets my bus"

I can't think straight, he remembered me! This never happens to me.

"Casper how about you sit beside Jess then?" Mrs M pushes Casper towards the seat beside me, he takes a seat and smiles and me

"I just wanted a friendly face to sit beside" it's hard moving across the world"

I smiled a smile that I didn't know I could do, I actually felt happy for once, exited that he picked me to sit beside even though he didn't know me...

Ever lasting love. A Casper Lee fanficWhere stories live. Discover now