Chapter 2

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I tried with all of my might to hold back my tears. I saw Felix and Seungmin walking in my direction. I tried to hide my tears, but Felix already noticed. Even if I wiped them in time he could still tell.

Felix has been my friend since grade 2, so he knows pretty much everything about me. He came running to me "Oh my god what happened Y/n? Are you ok? Who did this?" He started bombarding me with questions while hugging me tightly.

Seungmin just looked lost. "Are you ok Y/n...?" He asked quietly. "Yeah I'm fine don't worry. Also Felix can you stop hugging me I can't b-breathe." He quickly let go of me. "Oh yeah sorry. But what happened?" he asked.

"Nothing it's just Jisung being himself, nothing new." I said trying to finish the discussion quickly. "Well obviously it isn't nothing. You usually don't cry at his insults, he obviously did something that pushed you off the edge." I sighed. "Look we'll talk about it later, ok?"

"Ughh fine." He said.

Time skip

I got all of my stuff getting ready to leave the school. Seungmin came running to me. "Oh hey, what's up?" I said. "Remember we're getting ice cream?" He said.

That had completely slipped from my mind. "Oh yeah, I'm so sorry I forgot." He smiled. "That's ok."

We started walking to the ice cream place. It was just 5 minutes away from the school located in a nice park. So it wasn't a long walk and we could walk in the park while eating our ice cream.

The walk was silent, so I tried to start up a conversation. "So what's your favourite colour?" I asked. He laughed at my attempt to start a conversation. "It's purple, yours?" "Mine is f/c." I said.

"How long have you known Jisung?" He asked suddenly. "Oh I've known him since the first year of high school, so 2 years. What about you?" I said. "I've known him since grade 6." I was shocked he's known him longer than me. "Wait really?" He laughed.

"Yeah we used to be best friends, but after we started high school we grew apart." He said. "Wait what?! You two used to be close? What happened?"

"Well once we started high school he changed. He was gaining popularity for his looks and he started to hang out with different and more popular people, unlike me I'm not popular. I noticed that he would date people for a few days then break up with them when he was bored. I didn't like that, I thought it was a really cruel thing to do. So I stopped hanging out with him which he didn't really care about." I was shocked about that, I knew he dated people for fun but I didn't realize that there was more to it.

"Oh wow I didn't realize that he cared that much about popularity. Thank god I never dated him." I said. "Good don't date him, I don't want you to get hurt." I smiled at his kindness.

He suddenly stopped walking which confused me. "Why'd you stop walking?" I asked. "We're here." I looked up and saw the ice cream place. "Oh I didn't even realize." I laughed.

"What flavour do you want? I'll go get it." He said. "Hmmm I want black cherry." I said. "Got it, I'll be back in 5 minutes." I nodded.

"I'm back!" I look up to see him smiling with the two ice creams. I grab one from him. "Thanks minnie." I was about to start eating my ice cream when I stopped and realized what I said.

I looked up and saw him staring at me shocked. "Did you just call me minnie?" He asked. "I'm sorry." I said sheepishly."Haha don't worry about it." He pinched my cheek.

"Owww" I said in pain. "Aw I'm sorry I just thought it was funny." He said apologizing. "It's ok." I laughed.

"So how long have you known Felix?" He asked. "I've known him since he was 7, so I've known him for 10 years." His eyes widened. "Oh wow that's a long time I wish I had a close best friend like that."

"Who do you hang out with?" I asked. "I hang out with Jeongin and Chan." He responded. "Ohh yeah I've seen them a couple of times, they seem nice."

"Haha yeah, Chan is like a dad he's always looking after us. And Jeongin just likes to tease me a lot, but he still cares deep down." He takes out his phone to check the time. "Oh it's 5:30, do you need to go home?"

"Oh no I can stay a bit longer my mom won't come until 1 or 2 am, she works late." I said. "What about your dad?" He asked. I went silent. "Oh I'm sorry for asking I shouldn't have." He said quickly apologizing.

"No no it's ok, when I was 4 he passed away from a plane crash." His eyes widened. He immediately hugged me, which made my eyes widen. "I'm so sorry that must've been hard." He said comforting me. "Don't worry about it, it was 13 years ago. But it still hurts I wish he was still here."

He gave me a apologetic smile. "Don't worry you have me and Felix, we'll always be here for you." He said in a soft voice. "Thanks Seungmin I really appreciate it." I said.

"Thanks for the ice cream it was really good." I said. "No problem, we should go somewhere again soon." I smiled. He suddenly came close to me and looked at me. I started panicking internally. He brought his fingers close to my face wiping off some ice cream near my lips.

"O-oh thanks." I said flustered. He laughed at my embarrassed state. "Haha come on let's go home, it's getting dark." He said. I nodded and we started walking to my house.

It was silent but it was a comfortable silence. "Y/n?" He called. I look up. "Yeah?" I said. "Where do you live?" "Oh I live on xxxxx street." I responded. "Oh ok it's just 2 minutes from here now."

He suddenly got a phone call. "Hello?" He said. "I know it's 5:45!... I'm with a friend right now!... Yes it's a girl!... Oh my god just because it's a girl doesn't mean we're dating!" I blushed at that last sentence, he ended the phone call. "Sorry it's just my older sister being over protective." I laughed. "That's ok my mom is like that too."

"Oh this is my house." I pointed. He stopped walking. "Thanks for hanging out with me, I had fun with you." He said. "No problem, I had fun too. We should hang out again." I said. "Yeah of course, well see you tomorrow. Bye!" He waved. "Bye!" I waved back.

I went upstairs exhausted and threw off my bag, and changed into a shirt and sweat pants. I laid down on my bed and dozed off.

All Just for Popularity  | Han Jisung ffWhere stories live. Discover now