Chapter 13

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I look at Seungmin panicked. "Uhm Seungmin I-"

"Y/n it's fine I don't care, you're dating him anyways. I just came here to return your sweater." He said while holding up my blue hoodie.

"Oh thanks I didn't realize." I awkwardly laugh. I go up to him and grab my sweater. Without a word he walks away.

"That was really awkward." Jisung speaks out.

"Thanks for stating the obvious." I say rolling my eyes.

"Anyways about that kiss..." he slowly starts.

"The kiss is done I already did it." I say strictly.

"But I want moooooore." He whines.

"Shut up go find someone else's face to eat."

"But you're my girlfriend why should I when I have you?"

"Because I'm your FAKE girlfriend not real, I don't care if you kiss someone else. So leave me alone."

He shrugs his shoulders. "Alright whatever you say babyyy." He says as he quickly runs out.

"JISUNG SHUT UP!" I yell because of the pet name he used.


I walked down a hall to go to the washroom, which was during class. But suddenly stopped in my tracks.

When I heard noises.

Weird noises.

I walked closer to the noise. Which lead me to the janitor's closet. "What the fuck could possibly be in a closet?"

I open the closet finally revealing Jisung kissing the fuck out of a girl while pinning her to the wall. They both looked at me with wide eyes.

"Jisung... isn't that your girlfriend?" The girl said still in shock.

"Not anymore." I say angered. I slam the door close and run off to the bathroom.

I quickly walk to the last stall and close it, and locking it too.

I slide down the wall and put my face on my knees. I stare at the wall in front deep in thought. "Why does it hurt? I shouldn't care at all." I mumble.

My eyes start to water. "Why does it hurt so much?" I say as I put my face in my knees and start crying. Letting out all of the emotions and feelings I was holding in.

"Y/n! Y/n are you there?!" I heard Jisung yell.

I quickly wipe my tears and leave the stall. I walk out the washroom to see Jisung standing there.

"Oh there you are. What was that back there?"

"Girlfriends are supposed to be mad when their boyfriends cheat Jisung. Don't you know that?"

"Yeah I know...but you genuinely seemed upset about it. And I know you were crying just now, your face says it all." The boy said seemingly worried.

"It's nothing don't act so worried, go back to that girl I'm sorry for interrupting."

"I'm not acting Y/n." He said sounding a little angry.

"Jisung I'm your FAKE girlfriend you don't need to check up on me no one's here." I say looking around.

"Let me ask one thing Y/n I just need to clear this up. Why are you crying about this when you don't care?" He asks eyebrows raised.

"But I do care." Is what I would have said but I obviously didn't.

"I don't know...." I answer quietly.

"Y/n there's a reason and I need you to tell me that reason." He said sounding a bit frustrated.

"It hurt! Okay? I don't know why but it fucking hurt!" I say lashing out.

He stood there taken aback by my outburst. He then scoffed. "It's obvious Y/n."

I look up at him confused.

"You like me."

I didn't say anything because I knew it was kind of true. I mean why else would it hurt? If I truly didn't care then that kiss shouldn't have mattered, but it did. And that's why I cried.

"Listen here Y/n I don't like you and never will. I only wanted to date you because I just needed to add another person to the list. And you wanna know something?"

I look up at him tears welling up in my eyes already.

"Chaeri never bothered me at all. It was all a lie, I kept asking you out but you kept rejecting me. And I needed a way to date you somehow. So I came up with this plan. And even though it was a fake relationship you still caught feelings. I want you to remember this was NEVER anything special you were just one more."

He just stood there smirking at me like he was proud of the shit he just did to me. I felt so betrayed, a lot. I didn't know what to say I was speechless, I couldn't form any words with my mouth. My mind was blank but my heart was full of hurt.

"You're a dick." I finally say and then walking away from him.

Hurt was all I felt. I took a few days off because I was too embarrassed to face him. After all I seem like a clown to them after that. I can't believe I fell for someone like him.

"One more." Those two words he said to me lingered in my head, I couldn't get them out no mattered how much I tried.

I was just one more person he dated with no feelings, just another toy he played with. I wonder how many more people he's going to play with, breaking all of their poor hearts.

But not mine, I don't feel bad for myself. I should have seen this coming, and yet I still fell in his trap knowing his character. I feel so dumb for that.

Chaeri probably agreed to his stupid plan because she's head's over heels for him. I hope he rots in hell.

I groan out loudly. "God I hate moping around like this but I can't move on that quickly."

I quickly turn my head to the door due to it being flung open. There revealed a blonde Australian boy.

"Oh hey Felix." Felix has been visiting me everyday since that incident happened just to check up on me, seeing that my mom is busy with work a lot.

"Hey Y/n are you feeling any better?" He asked with a soft smile, it made me melt.

"Yeah a bit better but not a lot to be honest." See this is the side you see of Felix when he's not being his sassy self.

"Well you've skipped school until Friday and it's going to be the weekend. You should work on yourself and prepare this weekend so you can go on Monday. I'm not letting you skip anymore because of some asshole." He said.

"And plus I'm getting lonely come back to school I miss you." He said pouting.

"Don't you have that emo dude? What was it? Changmin? Chabin?"

"Dumbass it's ChangBIN, and I need my best friend not my crush." He said.

I laughed. "Alright alright I'll go to school on Monday, promise." He smiles at my answer.

"Now I need to figure out how I'll deal with him."

All Just for Popularity  | Han Jisung ffOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora