Chapter 16

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"Huh wait what-"

Jisung turned around saw Seungmin and Chaeri. "What kind of circus are we watching right now?"

I glared at him. "Do I look like I want to fucking joke around right now?"

He raised an eyebrow. "Why are you angry do you still like him?"

Knowing that Jisung likes me I didn't want to give a truthful answer. "Well no I just didn't expect this plot twist I can't tell what kind of kdrama I'm in right now. I don't think Chaeri is Seungmin's type there's gotta be something behind this I can feel it."

"Knowing her she definitely did something, and also uh"

I looked at him waiting for an answer. "Also what?"

He looked hesitant to say his answer. "I may've told her that I liked you so this might be a plan to get me back..."

My eyes widened in anger. "You what?" I said with a sarcastic smile one that was holding me back from exploding in his face.

"We were arguing so I told her that, so that I could shut her up. It didn't to occur to me that she would try something like this."

"Jisung you wanted to restart now you're just messing up your chances, this is on you not me."

"Y/n don't say that you're making me feel worse." He whined.

"Shhh I want to follow them I'm lowkey curious of what they're going to do." I put my finger to my lips indicating to stay quiet.

"That's dumb Y/n she's doing this because she knows we're here, you can't follow someone when they're watching you!"

"Oh my god true-" I say realizing his logic.

"Why don't we just go straight up to them and talk." He asked with a smirk plastered on his face."

"Now I wanna know the reason why you wanna do that." I ask crossing my arms. If I'm quite honest after the whole incident I don't think I have the guts to talk to her. I probably look like a clown in her eyes which I am. But I don't want to have to go voluntarily talk to her.

"Because she can't watch us if we're right next to her."

"We're only going to be talking to her for a few minutes, what do you mean?" Then I look at with a look of realization. "Wait-"

"I'm gonna make her hang out with us so that it's awkward."

I whine to Jisung while we look for them. "Jisunggg why would you voluntarily put me in this awkward situation we were supposed restart and have funnn."

"I know I'm fun to hang out with but I need her to leave me the fuck alone because it's annoying. Also because I only want you not her."

I look away to hide the blush that's formed on my cheeks, due to the last sentence. Yeah sure I know he likes me but to hear him to say it out loud with confidence. Holy shit that's something else.

"I uhm okay." I stutter out making a mess out of myself.

He chuckles at my behaviour. "WHY WAS THAT SO HOT"

"Jisung I see them over there!" I point to the strange couple. They seem to be walking to the food court. Which really was just a bunch of food stands, and then in front was a lot of areas for seating.

"Okay let's go!" Without thinking Jisung grabs my arm and we run to the food court.

We stop a little bit before so it wasn't too obvious.  
"So uh-" I start.

"Y/n there's no need to act, we're just friends just be casual. Just keep an eye on them and try talking to Seungmin." He smiled warmly at me.

That smile. No not cocky Jisung where he's smirking at me trying to throw me off. His genuine smile the one that brings a sense of comfort to your mind, the one that makes you feel safe. That's the one I adore. "Okay Jisung no acting, I'll try talking to Seungmin."

He put his hand on my shoulder. We walk into the food court together. Jisung walks up to the couple.

"Hey Chaeri what're doing here?" You could hear the sarcasm in his tone. But he was doing his best trying to sound as nice as possible. But that's hard when he's talking to two people he despises.

Chaeri turned around and looked me up and down. "It's an amusement park why do you think I would be here?" She said annoyed.

"Have you and Jisung made up?" Seungmin suddenly says. In a way weirdly his voice sounded tired and disappointed. He overall looked like he was fed up, if so why was he even with Chaeri in the first place? Nothing made sense.

"Uh we're just friends, we came here to hang out just for fun." I tried giving a vague answer, I didn't want to give too much details of what Jisung and I decided on.

He slowly nodded at my answer. "I'm surprised you guys made up you seemed pretty upset about it."

"Yeah..." I scratched the back of my neck awkwardly. Did he really have to bring this up?

There was awkward tension between us four before Jisung broke it. "You guys wanna get hotdogs?" He points to the crowded hot dog stand.

"Jisung did you have to pick the most crowded one? There's so many more!" I point to the rest.

"Hot dogs are the best thing to eat at the amusement park don't act like a child Y/n."

"Why are you talking like my dad right now." I say sternly.

Jisung gave me his signature smirk. "Should I answer that question or...?"

I smack him hard on the shoulder. "Don't please." I beg.

"You know you guys really act like a couple are you sure you two are friends?" Seungmin questions. Chaeri glares at him for asking that question.

"Y/n don't feel embarrassed that you're still hanging out with Jisung? I mean after he told you it was apart of his plan you still came running back to him? You must be desperate for him then. Sounds like obsession to me." Chaeri blurts out.

I turn around to face her snobby one. "Chaeri don't you think you should be the last one talking? You have been with so many guys I can't even count. When Jisung was with you he realized you were a used up toy and didn't want you anymore. But you're the bitch who keeps begging for him even when he said no many times. Because you have no sense of dignity."

If I'm quite honest I said that to hide the pain I felt when she insulted me. Before she could say anything I walked away. I felt an arm grab me. I turned around to see Jisung, but behind him was also Seungmin.

"Both of them followed me...?"

"Y/n I love you."

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