Chapter 9

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"Wait! Oh my god, that's Seungmin!" I say panicking.

I look over at Jisung who's just staring at the accident with an emotionless expression. "Wait are you waiting for?! Let's go!" I grab his arm and we exit the rooftop.

We finally reach the gates. I see his body, he looked like he passed out due to the blood loss. I take his head into my lap. "Has someone called 112 (911) yet?" I ask the few people that were standing around the scene.

"Yes I called them." A woman who looked she was in her late 50's answered. I look down at Seungmin.

I feel my eyes well up with tears. "Hey it's going to be okay, don't worry." Jisung said as he put his hand on my shoulder to comfort me.

"I don't know I feel so bad, I've already hurt him. And now this has happened. I don't know how to feel, I want him to live." I say almost breaking down.

"He's not going anywhere, okay? I promise he'll get better." Jisung said in a soft tone, it oddly helped me to calm down. But I'm obviously not going to say that to him.

I hear the loud blaring sirens from behind me. The staff pull out a stretcher and take Seungmin.

I walk up to them. "Can I come too?" I ask. The staff look at each other and then look back at me.

"What is your relation to him?" The man asks.

"I'm his close friend." I answer. They nod. "Also can he come too?" I ask pointing at Jisung.

They nod at me as a response. I grab Jisung's arm and pull him into the ambulance with me. They close the doors and we go to the hospital.

"Why'd you bring me?" He looks at me with a confused expression.

"Because," I look down. "I don't want to be there alone, I want someone with me."

He softly chuckled. "Alright, I'll stay then." I look at Seungmin with a worried expression.

"Uhm Sir, will he be okay?" I ask.

"I'm not sure since he's losing a lot of blood." he said with an unsure tone in his voice. This made me panic even more.

My breathing started to get uneven. Jisung rubbed circles on my back to comfort me, while whispering comforting words.

His voice was so soft and delicate like a feather. Just his soft voice calmed me down, the thought of that made me slightly blush.

"Are you okay, do you feel sick? Your cheeks are slightly pink." He said in a worried tone.

I didn't even realize he could probably see my pink cheeks. "Oh um, no I'm fine don't worry. It's just hot." I say laughing nervously.

He raised an eyebrow at that. "But it's 3 degrees out."

"It's hot in this ambulance, since the heater's on. You know?" He seemed a bit unsure at my answer but slowly nodded anyways.

We finally reach the hospital. The workers immediately pull Seungmin out, Jisung and I quickly follow.

We quickly rush through the halls and they bring him into a room. One of the nurses stop us from going in. "Sorry ma'am you can't go inside until we say so."

I was really worried but I didn't really have much of an option. "Alright I'll wait here." I mumble.

The nurse goes into the room. After about 3 and a half hours the doctor comes out. "Hi, I'm Dr. Kim. And you are?"

"I'm Y/n, his friend. And this is boyfriend." Jisung seemed a little shocked I actually addressed him as my boyfriend.

"Ah I see, well he's doing better now. But he's lost a lot of blood so he's sleeping right now, you may go in to visit but please stay quiet as he is sleeping."

"Of course, I'll respect that." The doctor nods and walks off. I take Jisung's wrist and bring him in with me.

There he was, on the hospital bed. There was some tubes connected to him, but not much. He was peacefully sleeping you could hear his soft breathing.

"Oh god.." I put my hand over my mouth to contain any sounds I may make.

"Y/n do you want to leave?" Jisung asks softly, scared I might break down any moment.

I shake my head. "It's fine I won't be here for long anyways, if you want to go you can. All I've been is a bother so far."

"No no don't say that, if my presence helps then I'm staying."

"Alright fine." I say giving in.

I walk up to him slowly, taking my steps. "Hey Seungmin, I don't know how this happened. But I hope you feel better, I don't know why but it hurts so much. Maybe because we had a fight before this, I don't know. But please get better soon and tell your parents I'm sorry, because for some reason I feel like I should apologize." I whisper.

I look at Jisung my lips were quivering, I knew if I spoke out I would break down. So I dared not to say a word. And Jisung looked like he got the message.

He took my hand in his and we walked out. He brought me to the back of the hospital. There was a beautiful garden here. It was filled with colourful roses pink, white, red, and so much more.

Children laughing and running around. Some people walking around, or walking with a patient. It overall made you feel joyful and peaceful.

But I still felt like crying somehow. Jisung immediately embraced me in a tight yet soft hug. "It's okay you can let it all out." As soon as those words left his mouth I immediately started crying.

I felt so pathetic for crying again, I hated crying in front of him especially. It made me look weak, but I can't control it. The tears keep coming.

I pulled away after I was done. I look at his damp shirt, damp with my tears. "Sorry for making your shirt wet." I apologize.

"That should be the least of your worries right now, now let's bring you home. Your mom must be worried."

"My mom's barely home remember? Just like yours she's always on a business trip." I say.

"Well it's getting dark, and you need some rest. So either way you should be getting home."

I groan but I listen anyways, it's not like I had anything better to do anyways.

We start walking to my house, there was a slight tension between us I could feel it. "Y/n..?" Jisung calls out.

"Mhm?" I say without looking at him. "Do you like Seungmin?"

The question caught me off guard, I look up at him. "Uhm why are you asking that?"

"I don't know you two seem so close, and you just seem so upset because of his accident."

"Dumbass anyone would be upset if someone they knew got in accident."

He rolled his eyes. "Whatever, you didn't answer the question. Do you like him or not?"

"No I don't like him that way. He's just a friend." To be honest, that was kind of a lie. I honestly don't like him but I do have the smallest bit of feelings for him.

"Do you like him..?" I ask. I mentally facepalm myself. Why did I say that? I'm so stupid.

He started coughing. "What the hell, no! I don't like  him at all, and plus he's not even into guys."

I laughed a bit. He looked weirded out by me. "What are you laughing for? There's nothing to laugh about."

"Sorry the way you panicked made me laugh."

He rolled his eyes. "Whatever your house is here, I'm gonna go now. See you later bye." He waves, and I did the same.

I enter the house and I was welcomed by the darkness. Jisung really helped me get my mind off things.

But suddenly all of the thoughts of Seungmin came flooding back to me. And I slid down the door and put my face in my palms. And


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