Chapter 8

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I look up in shock to see an enraged Seungmin. You could see the fury in his eyes.

"The fuck? That actually hurt my ass." Jisung said annoyed.

Seungmin just rolled his eyes. "Shut the hell up, for your benefit you're just using her! Because some girl is desperate for you? That sounds pretty selfish." He said angrily.

Jisung just rolled his eyes while getting up from the floor. "Seungmin she agreed to it, not like I blackmailed her or something."

Before he could speak Jisung interrupted him. "Look man just say your jealous I know you like her, it's pretty obvious." He said with a smirk.

"I can't believe she likes you there's nothing to like about you besides looks!" Jisung just smirked at him. "You think I'm handsome? That sounds pretty fruity."

You could see Seungmin was getting angrier and angrier, his face was slowly becoming red. "Ugh shut up! I'm straight. Look I don't know why she likes you, you have no decency whatsoever. All you do is date people, fuck them, and then break up when you're bored. That sounds like to me you have no life." He smirked at Jisung. "Where are your parents did they leave you or something? Probably thought you were a disappointment-" a loud thud was heard.

Jisung had punched him right in the face he looked so angry. That was the first time I've seen him this furious, I backed away a little scared I could be the next victim.

"You don't get to talk about MY parents if you do, I'll break your puny little face. Got it?" Seungmin just glared at him but nodded. Jisung just looked at me. "Wait at the gates for me and we'll go." I nodded quickly scared. And with that he walked away.

I looked at Seungmin concerned. I walk up to him and help him up. "Come on let's go to the nurses office." He nodded.

"I'm sorry it's all my fault I should've kept quiet." He said quietly.

"I know, you didn't have to go after his parents like that.  His parents could be a sensitive topic for him, you never know someone's backstory." I say.

"I know that was wrong of me I won't do it again." He said.

"I know you won't but he's probably already hurt by it." I say sounding a little worried.

He pushed me off. "Go check on your boyfriend if you're so worried." I look at him. "But I need-"

"No go check on him I can go by myself, he punched my face. So my legs still work I can go." And with that he walked off.

"Where the hell do I look for him?"

I walk in the hallways mindlessly not caring that I'm missing class. I see Minho in the distance. I speed walk to him.

"Hey Minho?" He turned around to face me. "Hey Y/n, need anything?"

"Yeah, do you know where Jisung is? I don't know where to find him." I say.

"Hmm he might be in the rooftop or the music classroom. He goes to the music classroom to sometimes sing or rap, he does that when he's stressed or feeling down. Or he went to the rooftop to smoke."

I raised an eyebrow. "He smokes?" He looked at me confused. "You didn't know? I mean he's been doing it less now he's trying to quit."

"Ahh I see, well thank you I'll go look there." He nods with a smile. "Glad I can help." I walk off to find him.

I go the music classroom since that's the closest place to me, but no luck. So I go to rooftop to look for him.

I open the door to see him standing there. He standing near the edge but there's a fence surrounding the rooftop.

It was a bit windy today, the wind blowing his hair slightly. His hair was flowing gracefully. He-

"You done staring?" A voice suddenly said. "Uh what? I wasn't staring at you, I was staring at the," I paused thinking of an excuse.

"At the?" He questioned. "At the cigarette in your hand!" I exclaim.

He turned around finally. "Have you not seen a cigarette before?" He asks.

"No I just didn't know you smoked." I say.

"Well now you know. Well did you need something or you couldn't wait to hang out with me after school?" Aaand there's his flirty side AGAIN.

I roll my eyes. "No I was just checking up on you but you clearly seem fine."

"Can you stay for a few minutes?... I just want someone's company." I smiled.

"Sure, looks like you got a soft side too huh?" I ask teasingly.

"Be quiet before I change my mind." He said annoyed. I laugh at his reaction. "Okay okay fine."

"I'm sorry about that Jisung, he shouldn't have said that considering that your parents could be a sensitive-"

"They're not I don't even consider them as family." His sudden stern tone caught me off guard.

"Oh if you don't mind telling me, why?" I ask softly.

"When I was a younger kid they treated me like shit. They mentally and physically abused me, they treated me as if I was their toy.

But as a child I didn't understand any of this I thought they did this, because they 'loved' me. At around 10 years old I realized what was happening and the real truth. At 13 I ran away from home and went to go live with my aunt, who is WAY better.

I actually had recorded some stuff on my phone for proof. So my aunt went to court showed them the proof, and she won custody over me." I just stood just trying to process everything he just said.

"Don't pity me I'm fine now." He said.

"Well you seem like you're recovering from your past, and based on what you said you seem happy with your aunt." He smiled at me.

"I am, she's the sweetest person. When I came out as bisexual she was so supportive." I smiled.

"I'm glad." I say.

"So you got anything you want to share? If you're comfortable of course." He asks.

"Well my dad isn't the greatest person. He kept cheating on my mom, but my mom kept giving him chances because she was so in love with him. But she finally opened her eyes to reality and divorced him, and this happened when I was around 6.

But another than that my dad was really sweet to me. He treated me as his daughter, he did his best to keep me happy. Which I appreciate but I'm mad at the way he treated my mom." He gave me a sad smile.

"I guess we all have our stories, we're going through something." He said as he throws his head back, letting out the smoke from his mouth.

"Jeez why did this conversation turn so dark?"
I ask with a laugh.

"You started it!" He said laughing. I smack his chest.
"Be quiet no one asked." He just rolled his eyes at my behaviour.

Suddenly I hear a loud crash, it sounded like a car crash.

I look down to see what was happening, there was a car that crashed into the tree in front of the school gates. And I see a body.

Is that...


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